Looking good so far, off to browse thru the changes. Okay, it is going to take a while to break the habit of looking for the PlantStew button
Now I'm so confused!!!!! I at first thought something was wrong when I clicked here.. Then when I logged on it got even weirder!!! but I'll figure it out..
Yeah it's something Stewbies have to get used to I'm afraid, my constant tweaking I've added a few nice additions this time, nothing mind-blowing but the site should be more coherent now.
So far so good from what I see. Frank is always making it a nice place to stay around. Our family is growing with so much knowledge and great picts to see. Thanks Frank for your hard work.
I think the changes are going to be a real benefit to our members once they get used to them. It should make navigating the forums so much better. I also think the new more uncluttered look is much easier on the eyes - and it simply looks good too!! :-D