The last few years she made her nest right next to the building, under an overhang where we had samples of mulch and stone, which didnt make the customers happy, as they couldnt get to the area. This year, that area is cleaned out, so Mama was forced to find a new place for her nest. Mama Goose ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden ) The other day, the groundskeeping crew came by to remulch the plant areas (what is the proper name for these "beds"?), and its kind of funny. You see all the other beds with new mulch, but this one still has last year's mulch, because they didnt want to deal with Mama and Papa *lol*
I'm glad the groudkeepers decided to 'live and let live' Jen. After all they can always mulch once the eggs have hatched and the family has moved on. That goose certainly seems to love the area doesn't she? It's good to see her nesting with you again and I hope no-one disturbs her and allows her to bring up her family in peace.
Are my eyes working right, Bip? --Is that really a nest she is sitting on? ...Call the newspaper, get it coverage and protection. What a story that would be. Why do you think that the goose comes to that particular place instead of out near a lake or something?
Heehee yes, Sjoerd, it really is a nest No clue why she likes it there, I mean, theres no water within walking (waddling lol) distance. And it can be dangerous, cause there -are- people out there who would think nothing of making goose roadkill (I saw a truck the other day that came awfully close to one of the geese, Im sure he did it on purpose). They like to lay down in the middle of the parking lot, even at night Although I do love seeing baby geese, theyre so cute!
That's amazing, Bip. That place is precarious then for the geese. Too bad that there are folks that actually try and injure them. I don't get it. Perhaps its a "power thing". Well, that is what i meant about contacting a newspaper or television station to get coverage. This is one way of protecting them.
How about that... it's amazing that she comes back every year... She must feel safe... Do you expect someone will build a little enclosure for her? Didn't you guys do that last year?
Well, it looks like this is an urban goose, others must be suburban geese. A bit precarious, she is still going to take the hatchlings to water. Reminds me of the duck that decided a building sidewalk overhang in busy New York city was a place for a nest. A bank employee caught the hatchlings as they jumped off. The trek to water was filmed. A moving experience. I wonder if this goose will experience something similar? Jerry
I think both Mom and Dad geese are dead. Hit by cars on the road right in front of the store. A week ago, someone told me there was a dead goose on the road just south of the store, and today I saw another on the same road just north of the store :'( No baby geese now...