I went to the chicken coop to gather the eggs this afternoon... What an egg!!! ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden ) can you believe the size of this one? I hope she feels okay. ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden )
Bet that one has a double yolk! Every once in a while one of my girls gets ambitious and lays a really large egg. Then she spends the rest of the day telling everyone about it! However, I don't think any of my ladies ever got THAT ambitious!
I"ll let everyone know as soon as I crack it. I have heard of triple yolk eggs, but have never gotten one. It is huge though! I went to the coop to feed chickens this morning and got another surprise. under achiever and over achiever egg ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden )
Well, maybe the two chickens decided to make two eggs between them and just found it easier this way.
With the contrasting egg sizes you could say a feast or a famine!,..it would be interesting to place both eggs under a broody hen,..that's of course if they are fertile,..do you have a Cockerel?.
Hi Philip, Yes I do. I have 3 roosters, although I don't know how productive they really are. My sister took 4 eggs for a broody hen and only 1 of them was fertile. I don't think either of them would produce a chick though. Usually the really little eggs don't have a defined yolk, just some yellow cloudiness at the center.