This is one I had taken a few days ago; I can get a single flower close up in the morning. ( photo / image / picture from flower1lady2000's Garden )
Gosh, FL-- That flower and plant looks so familiar, but I just can't get its name to come into my head. I wonder, is it native to you there, or is it something that you have bought and placed in your garden. Does it have a sweet fragrance?
This looks like Bouncing Bet (soponaria officinalis). Grows 1-2' tall, flowers in pink or white, in dense clusters, elliptical to lance shaped leaves. Also known as soapwort, if you bruise the leaves of the flower and rub with water it forms a soapy foam, people have used it since ancient times to bathe and do their laundry with. It's cleansing property makes it useful for treating poison ivy, also, according to my book.
Thank you Carolyn the pictures I found for Bouncingbet or Soapwort: Saponaria officinalis looks like what I have; so looks like it is a weed and needs to be elimated as soon as possible before it gets a good start. Thanks again.
I would leave it in my garden as I love both wild flowers and white ones. Maybe I can find some growing around here that I can collect seeds from.
It looks like something we had growing wild when I was a kid. My sister and I would pick some for mom, sure made the vase and water smell nasty Funny, Mom never complained