Right now i have this group of squirrels that that are just having a grand old time eating the birdseed from my feeders. i have tried many ways to stop them and i thought i had a plastic thing to put over cannot locate that, and i don't think it has the screws still. The poor birds wont come around either and i know they need to eat too. I have tried the tube type feeder and the jump and do acrobatics from it and still eat the seed. I also tried greasing the pole and that only works for a while. I have 2 shepherd hooks that i hang my bird feeders on and after the grease dries they seem to find a way to get on the feeders.. ANY IDEAS PLEASE...??? THANK YOU SUNFLOWER :idea: :-|
My Mom had a pole type birdfeeder and the same problem with squirrels. We put the pole thru a Slinky, attached the end just under the birdfeeder. The squirrels couldn't get traction on the pole because the Slinky would stretch down to the ground. Her feeder wasn't near any trees they could leap from so this worked for her and gave her some entertainment watching them fall off. My feeders are under the hackberry tree so the squirrels have easy access to them. And since the majority of the birds at the feeders are large grackles and red-wing blackbirds, the squirrels to not keep them from eating. The squirrels tend to be pretty messy so the sparrows and doves eat what is on the ground. I also made this squirrel feeder hoping to give them thier own eatery away from the bird feeders, it turned out to be an additional eating place instead of a substitute eating place. http://www.gardenstew.com/blog/e285-44- ... tures.html
I have only seen one squirrel proof bird feeder it is called a shotgun LOL. My father-in-law (now deceased) tried every thing known to man to keep them out of his bird feeder finall he resorted to the shotgun and made a tasty gravy.
http://www.cooperseeds.com/froogle.php3?prod=306 I found this one one google along with many others all a bit pricey,but you could do what I do look at them then develop one of your own. we have many squirrels(grey)at the bottom of our garden but they seem to leave our bird feeders alone since one of the cats(meggan) chased them into the oak tree and one the others (harriet) had a fight with one on the lawn. the other point here is we have a hazel tree at the top of the garden as well and the squirrels have them to themselves. G.
Here are some more websites for you to look at Sunflower. The caged tube feeders seem to keep the squirrels away effectively around here. Maybe you could fine a way of making one for yourself that wouldn't be as expensive as the ones advertised. http://www.bestnest.com/bestnest/squirr ... baffle.asp http://www.heritagefarms.biz/birdfeeder ... 6549107354 http://www.birds-n-garden.com/squirrel_ ... eders.html