Kitty Litter Roma Tomatoes in 2007

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by rgasperson, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. rgasperson

    rgasperson Seedling

    May 17, 2007
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    South Carolina
    April 21st, 2007 - This year I wanted to grow some tomatoes, bu I felt that the ground in the backyard was just too hard, full of rocks and lacked the nutrition to nuture any kind of decent vegetables. So what I did was to take an empty cat litter container...

    ...and drilled holes in the bottom for drainage reasons, filled it up with potting soil and planted the tomato seeds. I placed the container on the back patio where it would get about 30-40% full sun every day and I watered them every day and waited to see how this little experiment unfolded.

    April 28th, 2007 - After about a week or so I had small seedlings that poked their head above the dirt.Â

    May 11th, 2007 - They're doing really well, growing nice and strong. The other plants that are in the box are carrots that I originally planted with the tomatoes. I pulled most of them later on.

    May 18th, 2007 - The tomatoe plans have started to bush out and cover the mouth of the container. at this point I pulled most of the carrots and a few of the weaker tomato plants so the ones that are left in there will grow stronger.

    May 26, 2007 - The tomato plants are getting really tall now. I knew that I needed to get something to hold them up. I gound an old grill rack that had been thrown in the dumpster next door where they were building a new house. I bent it and stuck it in the dirt with the tomatoes.

    June 2nd, 2007 - As you can see, within one week the tomato plants already overtook the grill rack. I am going to have to find something larger to hold the tomatoes. I also saw the first flower buds on the plants. I will most likely pluck them since thay are the first buds, we will see.

    June 25th, 2007 - I broke down and bought a wire plant support from Lowes. It was only $2-3 so I was not that upset. These things just keep growing

    July 8th, 2007 - I went away for a week on vacation. I left my tomatoes and the rest of my plants in very capable hands.

    When I got home I found that I actually have tomatoes growing on the plants. The time is almost near.
  2. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Great progress report photographs Rgasperson!!! My tomatoes amaze me every year with how quickly they grow. It's incredible that we get such tall plants from those tiny little seeds isn't it? What a good idea it was to use the cat litter tub as it gives the plants plenty of space for root growth. Your tomatoes certainly look very healthy. Do show us more pictures when they ripen won't you? :-D
  3. DaphDaph

    DaphDaph Seedling

    Jul 8, 2007
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    South Carolina
    I wonder if the litter bails would work for pumpkins and cucumbers? I may have to experiment.
  4. rgasperson

    rgasperson Seedling

    May 17, 2007
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    South Carolina
    I am planning on planting Cucumbers next year in one of these containers. I don't know about Pumpkins. Might work if the pumpkins can get to the ground.

    I am sure that I have way too many tomato plants in this container. There must be 10-12 plants in this thing. Next year I think I am going to limit them to 3-4. I think they would grow more effectively and the soil will have more nutrients for more tomatoes. We will see.

    I also want to experiment with more Hyroponic plants. I am thinking abouthow I might be able to use these containers.

  5. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Another wonderful slideshow of photos rgasperson. Very interesting and informative. Thank you. As Eileen said some ripened tomato photos would be great ;)
  6. rgasperson

    rgasperson Seedling

    May 17, 2007
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    South Carolina
    July 15th, 2007 - I have noticed a thinning in the leaves on my tomato plants. This picture is actually of the back of the plant. A storm from last week knocked over the entire planter. I guess it is getting kind of top heavy. When I set it back up, I turned the leaning side towards the house. I have also notice that the roots are covering the top of the soil. I believe that the plants have nearly exhausted the nutrients in the littler box. That is my fault for planting 8-9 plants in one box.

    There are plenty of tomatoes on the plant at the moment. There has to be a couple dozen tmatoes on the plant. I am waiting for one of them to start turning red. Should be happening soon.
  7. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    Great pictures and a great idea. I can almost smell the tomatoes!!! I will try that next year. Heaven knows I have enough cat litter buckets! :D
    That way I can start them early and move them in and out of the garage.
  8. rgasperson

    rgasperson Seedling

    May 17, 2007
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    South Carolina
    August 4th, 2007 - I have Red Tomatoes!!!!! The plant itself seems to be shedding it leaves at the bottom to be able to grow the tomatoes. I have picked 4 tomatoes so far. They yave tasted great. I even saved some seeds so I can plant them again next year.

    See. They are Red!

    August 13th, 2007 - The plant is still growing. It is taller than the metal stand it is growing in. The leaves at the bottom have all died, but the new growth at the top is nice and green. The tomatoes are still growing nicely.
  9. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    What a wonderful report! I never thought of growing tomatoes like that. I shall have to try it next year, of course with a sheet of clear plastic on top. Climate conditions, you know.
  10. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Those red lovelies couldn't have come any quicker could they Robert. I think it's safe to say that your experiment has been a success :)
  11. Anitra

    Anitra New Seed

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Seattle WA (Zone 8)
    Great idea!

    That is a great container idea! As soon as we planted up our little raised-bed plot I found myself eying all sorts of objects with the thought, "That could make a plant container..." including wicker baskets and a bassinet, but I never thought of a kitty litter pail. Maybe next year. :)

    I'd stick to one tomato plant per pail, though. Even a cherry or roma tomato needs lots of root-room. But your experiment was a success -- you have ripe tomatoes!

    One of my fellow tenants started a patio-sized tomato on her windowsill at the same time as we started the ones in the garden, and greatly enjoyed the bragging rights when she got ripe tomatoes first. I almost think they do *better* in containers!
  12. rgasperson

    rgasperson Seedling

    May 17, 2007
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    South Carolina
    Thanks Y'all

    Thank you everyone for your kind words. I have a few more photos to add. I will upload them as soon as I have a spare moment.

    I have picked 5 more ripe tomatoes since my last post.

    I think the reason that these tomatoes did so well was because they got water every single day without fail, and they only got FULL Sun only about 40% of the day.

    I can't wait til next year to try a heirloom variety that I got from a friend. Will definitely only plant one plant per container.
  13. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Well Robert what can I say? Your tomatoes look luscious and your experiment with the kitty litter bin was well worth it. :D

    My tomatoes were a complete disaster with only a few of the black cherry tomatoes actually worth eating. Our Scottish summer has been so wet and dismal that the poor things never got the heat and light they needed. Never mind, onwards and upwards, as there's always next year.
  14. rgasperson

    rgasperson Seedling

    May 17, 2007
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    South Carolina
    End of the experiment

    September 2nd, 2007 - Well, I believe that the tomato plants have finally used up all the nutrients in the soil. They just have quit producing tomatoes and all the leaves are dying. I think I got about 2 dozen tomatoes out of the plant. I pulled the root ball out of the kitty litter container and this is what I found.

    It is crazy. The roots formed a nice impression of the bottom of the inside of the container. Interesting. I learned that I should only have one tomato plant ina container. I had about 12 plants in this one container. They were all fighting for the nutrients. So next Spring I will keep it to one plant per container.

    See You Next Year,
  15. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Wow the roots were really packed in there weren't they. I really enjoyed watching the progress throughout the year Robert. Thanks and I hope we do see next year's experiment also.

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