Whatever is eatting my fruit did it again last night. I have one little fruit left! Ive looked during the day and last night off and on til after midnight but saw nothing except for a caterpillar eatting one of my birds of paradise. I would love to share my seeds with my Gardenstew friends but I cant save the little fruits! How do I do this with out spraying it and poisoning everyone? Whatever is eatting it and I think its the yellow woollybear caterpillar I saw, it eatting the whole fruit and leaving just the stem. Honestly it looks like someone just plucked it right off the vine. But noone did. Can someone help? Can I place small paper bags over the fruits? Or do they need sun? Thanks!
I'm sorry Denee I know nothing about passion fruit vine!! Maybe if the bag is clear, but my thought is the fruit might get to hot closed in a bag like that!! I would just continue to look for the little things that is eating them, might be tedious but probably worth it!!
Not with that foot you won't Ok sorry for going off-topic but how is it feeling these days? Much better?
It still hurts when I am on it too long or I put too much weight on it. Its still broken if thats what your asking! HAH! Its still swollen. But I cant sit still so I am just on it long enough for it to really start hurtting and then I am spending the rest of the day complaining about it! Why do you think I have the most post so far this month?? LOL Cuz Im sitting here with my feet up!
I found a few sites that might give you the information you need Denee. http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/passionfruit.html http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/mort ... fruit.html http://www.capetrib.com.au/Passionfruit.htm Nice to hear your not overdoing things!!!
I just came in from out there! God its hot! But anywho, I was sitting on the ground and cutting the grass down by hand to about an inch of the ground around the passion vine. I found them!!!!!!! Little boogers!!! Sure enough they are WoollyBears! Nasty little things! ANd quick too! But I hand picked all the ones I could catch and transplanted them in the field across the lane. They will have plenty to munch on overr there! I took these pics! and theres one that I took last night. Little guy was the one chewing holes in my 4oclocks. I caught him redhanded chewing on my baby Birds of Paradise! He flew last night! AHAHA! I tossed his little butt into the back field behind our house with the horses! Unknown chewer.This one was gray and yellowish in color. WoollyBears... Little woollybear- I caught a few of these cuz I could see them ....funny how they look nothing like their bigger siblings, huh? Big Woollybears...These were harder to catch because if they fell to the ground, you couldnt see them until they started crawling again.
Glad you found what was eating them .Transplanting them to another place .I don't think so.This Texan would of put a foot on them.I transplant wild animals but snakes worms and bugs .Nope not me.
I'm sooo glad that you found the guys that were eating your passion fruit!! Congrats on finding them!!
Thank you thank you but noone is happier than ME! My gloves are sexy, huh? HAHA Those are my leather "rose" gloves. But I heard some of these hairy caterpillars can sting so I wore them to handle them.