I had one of those "just shake and grow" containers with wildflower seeds in it. I threw the container away. Well, I finally got ppl to stop mowing over the area I had laid them in and they have just flowered and flowered. So pretty! But I dont know the name of them or how t oget thier seeds for next year! Can someone help me? They are all similar but different colors and styles. My fav out of all of them!!! The middle has swirls on it. Theres tons more out there and every one of them is different. But I figured if I can get a name for one and how to harvest the seeds , then I can figure out the rest.
Denee I have those in my flower gardens!! They are Rudbeckias, commonly known as brown eyed susans!! They are in the coneflower family.
WOW! that was fast! Thank you!! Now how do I get the seeds? I took one apart yesterday to see if I could find the seeds and I found nothing.
I've never collected the seeds,I just don't deadhead all of them so some will come back the next year.I will go out later and see if any of the flower heads are dry enough to try to find out for you.
It probably would work. You will probably have alot come up and then when they get big enough you could transplant some of them into other places around your garden!!
Those are cool. I've never seen the variations on the petals before. Mine are just brown/black centers with yellow petals. I'm jealous!
Denee, did you let any of them dry before you looked for seeds, I would think they are like zinnias and the seeds are in the middle.
No I didnt let it dry. You how with some plants you can see or find the seeds before the plant is dried and gone? Well, I though I could with this one...LOL These seeds must tee-ninie, cuz I didnt see anything! But I know they will have them! While watering this morning, I saw what has to be the worlds tiniest bees on them. Their little legs were covered in yellow pollen. They love this flowers! Those and my roses(I think I inhaled one while smelling my roses! ) Sorry for the bad pic! They wont stay still long enough for me to get a good pic of them! Fame is just not on thier "honey do" list today! 8) haha I made a funny!