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The Eclectic Garden

Making a little bit of everything look just right.

Phenomenol Lavender

Category: Gardening | Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:04 pm

I've always struggled with lavender. The plant is just not suited for the humid, wet environment of Florida. Well, I've been reading about a lavender that is better suited for Florida. It's called Phenomenol and I took the plunge and bought a plant the other day. I just planted it in the garden. I really hope it can handle our weather.

Phenomenol Lavendar 4/11/2015 ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Last edited: Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:27 am

This blog entry has been viewed 629 times

Amaryllis Picture

Category: Gardening | Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:41 pm

Here is one of the 69 cents amaryllis that I bought back in January. I love the big, quad blooms. All of the amaryllis that we bought have been blooming.

Quad Bloom Amaryllis ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Last edited: Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:45 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 528 times

Amaryllis/Paperwhite Update

Category: Gardening | Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:06 pm

The amaryllis are doing well, but a few of the paper whites have already bloomed. Not impressed with the smell of them though.

Amaryllis and Paperwhites ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Last edited: Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:44 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 496 times

Amaryllis Bargain part 2

Category: Gardening | Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:00 pm

My wife was thrilled with the amaryllis that I found for 69 cents each. So much so that we decided to go back and get the rest of them (I'll admit, it was more my idea than hers).

So, we make it to Walmart and put the eight remaining amaryllis in the buggy. My wife then mentioned that she really liked the amaryllis she had seen growing in glass jars. I told her that I thought I had seen some just inside the garden shop door. Sure enough, we stepped inside and found them.

Just like the other ones they weren't priced, nor was a sign posted. We put one in the buggy and made our way to one of the price checking scanners. We got there, scanned the barcode and both if us uttered the same bewildered expression, "Whaaaat?"

We couldn't believe our eyes, so I grabbed another one and scanned it. Are you ready for this? It read two cents. You read that right... two cents!

So, being the hoarders that we are we made our way back to the garden shop and filled our buggy with every one of them. We ended up with seventeen. Seventeen amaryllis bulbs for thirty-four cents! Sounds crazy, but it's true.

I can never outdo my wife when it comes to bargain hunting. In the end she managed to get seventeen amaryllis bulbs for less than half of what I paid for one... and I only paid 69 cents!

Two Cent Amaryllis ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 556 times

Amaryllis Bargain

Category: Gardening | Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:48 pm

I've been watching some Christmas amaryllis bulbs at Walmart. They had a whole pallet of them and I knew they would never sell them all. They were $5.00, but I expected them to be marked down 50% after Christmas so I kept checking on them.

Anyway... I missed it. I went in today and they had sold them all for $1.25 over the weekend. I was bummed out until I saw some different amaryllis sitting outside. I scanned one and this is what I got.

.69 cents? ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )
Needless to say, I bought five of them Actually, I bought four amaryllis. The other was a paperwhite that had six bulbs in it.

Amaryllis ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Last edited: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:06 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 562 times

Fall Garden Results

Category: Gardening | Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:32 am

The cucumbers have gone crazy and are producing like mad. In fact, I've had to start giving them away.

The squash gave me one good mess and then kind of stopped producing. The zucchini did the same thing. Both ended up with vine borers.

The pole beans came down with a bad infestation of leaf rollers. I thought I had taken care of them at one point, but I was wrong. Right now I have some beans that I can pick, but the plants are almost leafless.

The mustard greens came up good, but they also got some kind of bug that has eaten holes all in the leaves. I'm not sure if they are going to be salvageable or not. My collard greens never really got started. I think I had some old seed.

The lettuce seems to be holding it's own. No bugs and the plants are looking pretty good.

I had three sunflowers come up. Again, I think I had old seed. They are blooming right now and have given some much needed color to the garden.

The okra plants look great, but the okra itself is kind of stunted. Not sure what's going on there.

The amaranth that came up on its own didn't look as good as the amaranth that I had in the Spring, but I still like having it in the garden. It got some kind of bug too, but still managed to produce.

So, from what I can gather the main difference between the Spring garden and the Fall garden is the bugs. I've always heard that they are worse later in the season and in my case it was true. That's okay though because I've really enjoyed having a second garden this year. I'm sure that I will do it again.

Last edited: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:51 am

This blog entry has been viewed 559 times

Another Fall Garden Update

Category: Gardening | Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:32 pm

We've been getting squash and cucumbers for over a week now and everything else is looking good. I did have a small problem with leaf rollers on the pole beans, but after a "smashing" party I think I have it under control.

I have mulched the entire garden. I normally don't mulch the walkways, but we got three truckloads of mulch from a local tree trimming place so I had an overabundance. The best thing... It was free.

I don't know why I never tried a Fall garden before.

Fall Squash ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Fall Zucchini ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Fall Sunflower ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Fall pole beans with vincas in the background ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Fall Cucumbers ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Mustards and collards under cages to protect them from the chickens. Amaranth. ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Last edited: Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:33 am

This blog entry has been viewed 569 times

Fall Garden Update

Category: Gardening | Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:38 am

The squash and cucumbers are looking great and have started producing. The okra, rattlesnake beans and zucchini are also looking really good.

True to form, my tomato seedlings started out wonderfully and then just stalled. For the life of me I don't understand why I have so much trouble with tomatoes. I'll keep trying though. I refuse to give up.

I started some lettuce, but I must have had bad seed because only a couple came up. I tried again over the weekend with new seed.

I put some mustard and collard green seeds in the ground yesterday (yes, I do live in the South). The trick will be keeping the chickens off of them.

Summer squash in Fall ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Fall cukes ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 606 times

Marigold Steal?

Category: Gardening | Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:48 pm

So... yesterday Lowe's had all their clearance plants marked way down. The cashier told us that the small potted plants were 5 cents each. I wanted some of the marigolds so I bought all eight that were there. I have plenty of marigold seeds and normally grow my own, but the deal was too good to pass up.

Anyway, we got a couple other things and when I got to the car and looked at the receipt they had charged me 15 cents for the marigolds! What!! I overpaid! What's sad is that I actually thought about going back in to get it straightened out.

This blog entry has been viewed 491 times

Onion Houseplant?

Category: Gardening | Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:45 am

I work behind a desk all day and I have a small plant that I keep on my desk. To be honest I'm not exactly sure what the name of it is, but it has flourished under the fluorescent lights.

The fact that the little plant was doing so good made me wonder if I could grow a vegetable at work. I've been kicking around trying different ones and have finally decided on an onion. The reason behind choosing an onion is because they don't get very big. A tomato would be awesome, but somehow I just can't imagine my employer appreciating a tomato plant setting on my desk, even one of the smaller determinate varieties.

As I mentioned, the office has fluorescent lighting, but there is a window across from my desk that also lets filtered sunlight in. I'm thinking that is one of the reasons that the plant has done so well. A couple of weeks back I started some onion seed and now I have a couple of tiny seedlings growing. I'll let them get a little bigger, pick the best one and put it in a nice pot just in time for the very first "take an onion to work with you day" (yes, I made the day up myself, but I'm thinking it could catch on... well, maybe not).

I'd like to keep a photo journal of the onion from start to finish. Once the sun comes up I'll post a picture of the two seedlings (don't ask me why I'm posting about growing onions at my desk at 5:30 in the morning).

This little experiment may or may not work. The fun is going to be finding out. I'm pretty sure this is why my daughter calls me a garden nerd.

( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Office Onion - 8/28/14 ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Last edited: Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:04 am

This blog entry has been viewed 543 times

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