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Not much liking this week either

Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:57 pm

You read about my weekend earlier and it really hasn't gotten any better this week.

Monday - the drain pipe under the bathroom sink decided it was old enough to rust away and start leaking. Don't how long it had been leaking, there was a plastic storage container under the pipe with cleaning supplies, but once it filled the container up to the handles on the sides and started spilling over...then we knew. Randy has been working on that last night and tonight hoping to repair it without having to take out part of the wall to reach the main pipe.

Tuesday - I found out that the rash on my oldest daughter's neck is suspected to be a type of skin cancer. Her doctor thinks it is the "good" kind but she has to have a biopsy to find out for sure.

Wednesday - Randy left this afternoon to run some errands before going to the dentist. He came home about 10 minutes later and informed me that the AC on my car had died....again. The parts are under warranty, which means he has to take the car to his Dad's (2 hours south of here) where they have the tools to remove the parts...take them to the place where he bought them. Then we have to wait anywhere from 2-6 weeks for them to rebuilt the parts. Then he will take them back down to his Dad's for putting them back in the car.

I am quickly running out of wine and will be sending him to the store for more tomorrow.

Whatever you belief system is, prayers, lighting candles, sending positive engery thru the universe, etc....please do it for my daughter.

This blog entry has been viewed 642 times

Daddies Birds

Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:57 pm

For many years my Dad's hobby was woodworking. He started small and progressed to making some gorgeous pieces of furniture....two sets of speaker cabinets (not the small black box kind either) and a octagonal pedestal game table approx 5' in diameter that matched one set of speaker cabinets. I have that set of cabinets in the livingroom and can still make the windows next door rattle when I turn the volume up on a favorite piece of music :)...another of his loves was building radios and record players (before the days of stereo) so these cabinets are not just for pretty :)

Anyway, the small things he started on were birds in assorted sizes and shapes. When he passed in 1995, I found the box of birds in their shed and brought them home. I knew I wanted them out where I could enjoy them but had no idea where, so they sat in the box in my workroom closet. When I started gardening the idea of painting them and mounting them to a fence panel started to form, but that just never worked out either. Then I spotted this stand on the curb two houses down waiting for trashday. It was just too good to passup so on the night of my birthday in April, I sent Randy and my son-in-law down there to get it for me. Randy is used to my odd ball collection of stuff but Kenny was just dumbfounded.
This is the piece that we figure was used by the neighbors to hold pool equipment of some sort.

The stars and birdhouses I bought and painted to use as fillers with the birds.

This blog entry has been viewed 569 times

It's not mine, but I have one

Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:23 pm

I have one of these Giant Swallowtail butterflies in the back yard. She flits around every morning from plant to plant then, of course, disappears as soon as I get back out with the camera.

This blog entry has been viewed 492 times

FRED in pictures from on high

Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 5:07 pm

Randy got up on the roof this morning to take the pictures.
Cucumber trellis and the ever growing Rosemary bush

A meer six years ago this area was only the Fig tree and those rose bushes

I tried my best to stay out of camera range, but he got me anyway

My makeshift potting area next to the shed.

Just one of many as yet undone projects is to paint that shed.

This started out with the birdbath and an 18" tall dwarf hollyhock 5 years ago.

The Canna bed

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First blooms, this year - pictures

Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 6:52 pm

The white hibiscus is beginning to open it's blooms.

It was difficult to hold that ruler in the right place and take a picture, in the bright sun that prevented me from seeing anything, anyway. This bloom is 8" across.

One patch of Glads are begining to bloom least a month early thanks to the early heat we have been stuck with.

This blog entry has been viewed 900 times

Bushy Tail Buffet - Pictures

Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:37 pm

Looks like I will only be getting one of the ladders afterall. The other lady forgot to put them out for us to pickup this afternoon and it is just too far to make another trip for them.

But the one I have is now the Bushy Tail Buffet
Dried corn on the cob on spikes on the ladder steps and where the old paint can holder used to be is a small green tray with sunflower seeds just for them. I painted it the same pale yellow as the fairy chair and put it in the middle of the Horseherb bed.

And another view

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Today is "Someday"

Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 3:06 pm

For months I have been looking at the bed around the hibiscus and saying "someday" I will expand that area since they are getting sooooooo big. Today I started weeding around them, one thing led to another as those things are want to do in the garden and before I knew it the whole 12foot long bed was 1 foot wider.

Those babies come back bigger and bigger each year and it looks like this will be a banner year for blooms. Since we basically had no winter, they are already covered with buds and that usually doesn't happen until late June.

I have two, a red and a white. The second spring they started growing I was really afraid someone driving down the alley would think the white one was a "pot" plant, the leaves looked very similar. Course some of our neighbors are the sort that would start picking the leaves instead of calling the narcs.

I can hardly wait until they start blooming so I can take pictures for you all to see. The blooms are usually 8-12 inches across.

This blog entry has been viewed 565 times

Almost finished? hahahahaha

Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 4:49 pm

Does it ever really come to an end? Just when I think I have it all done and can sit back to just enjoy it with only doing a little weeding now and again....I think of some other garden area I want to create, find another plant or bunch of plants I want or find another piece of junk to turn into garden junque....and that requires a special area too.

There really is no more space for least until I give the ones out there a chance to grow and see how full they get.
And no place for more garden areas until we get some trees trimmed back and a couple of dead ones taken down. (that is our job for this weekend) Both the peach and the redbud are almost 30 years old. The peach tries every year, it blooms and sets some fruit but they drop off before reaching marble size, then limbs start dying. The redbud didn't even come back this year. Those areas will still be pretty much shaded by the hackberry tree. I already have some Horseherb out there and would love to make a shade garden with lots of Hosta, Ferns and Impatients.

As far the garden junque.....I found a thing that was just way too cool to let the trashman take away a couple of weeks ago. We think it had been used by the neighbors to hold pool cleaning equipment. It is two tall shutters at a 45degree angle on a base. Pictures will be forth coming when I am finished with it. I am painting those wooden birds I mentioned in another blog entry that my Dad had made many years ago...they will be hung on it and it will stand in a bed area right behind the house.

I also posted a Wanted on the rEcycle list I own asking for old, wooden, rickety ladders. I was given one this week and we are picking up two more tomorrow. One will be a squirrel feeder.....on the other side of the yard from the bird feeders so maybe they will leave the birdseed alone....I can dream can't I? The other two will become trellis', one for a Cypress Vine I found coming up in the middle of the Mint Marigold, the one I had in that spot 3 years ago reseeded and they are just now coming up. The other one I will come up with something to use it for later.

See what I mean!!!! And I haven't even started on the front yard yet.

This blog entry has been viewed 639 times

Fiesty rose bushes but I won.....

Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:18 pm

...they kept grabbing onto my hat, my shirt, my shorts and anything else I let get within a couple of inches of them.

I started working on extending the garden to include the rose bushes a couple of weeks ago but found a really large fire ant bed....put some killer on it and noticed this week that they were gone.
I will have to work on the other side of the roses, about half finished digging then will mulch it too.
If my camera was better you could see that I planted Dusty Miller in front the roses.

And the odd looking thing at the front of the picture is a turtle form my oldest daughter bought me for Mother's day last year. I have a chocolate vine that is languishing in a spot that is too shady, it will be transplanted to the pot in the turtles back and hopefully will cover the form before long.

This blog entry has been viewed 616 times

Mealy Sage pictures

Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 8:58 pm

I wish I had a better camera to capture the really outstanding blue color of the blossoms on this sage, it will know your socks off in person.

This is my third fourth favorite plant in Fred the garden this year.
#1 - Purple Iris
#2 - Lavender
#3 - Lantana
#4 - Mealy Sage
and I am not really fond of blue under most circumstances.

This blog entry has been viewed 714 times

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