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toni's Blog
Jam, Jelly and my back
Category: Puttering Around The House | Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 2:26 pm I was really amazed when I got up on Sunday, my back didn't hurt. I know it is because I talked Randy into replacing that waveless waterbed mattress with the old style "bag of water" That meant I didn't get to cuddle up on the couch with the heating pad and a stack of as of yet unread books all day, but remembering how back my back can get I was happy nonetheless. Also didn't get to the jam until yesterday. Got 5 one pint jars of strawberry made. I also found containers of crabapple juice and wild grape juice in the freezer. Neither was enough to make a batch of jelly on their own, but combined was just the right amount. Got 6 jars of jelly done too. And it all set up properly. Sometimes we end up with jars of ice cream topping instead :) Now if only the cucumber vines would take off and give me lots of cukes for sweet pickles. We have been out of sweet pickles and sweet relish for months because of a failed crop last year. This blog entry has been viewed 579 times
Sending a memo to myself
Category: Random bulletins from my brain | Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 4:17 am Dear your advanced age ;), do NOT lift and carry anything that size again. Do you know how much a rain soaked bag of shredded cedar bark mulch that will cover 3 cubic feet weighs? Huh, Huh, do you? I don't know for sure either, Randy guesses about 45-50 pounds. All I know is this old back should not have been in any way involved in the lifting of three of them this afternoon. There was a nice young man at the garden center who helped Randy put them on the cart and then went out with us and helped load them into the truck....I really should have bribed him into coming home with us to help me carry them to where they would be used. I guess this means I will making strawberry jam tomorrow instead of working in the yard. The Driscoll strawberries are in the stores, minus the two quarts that are in my refrigerator and we are out of jam. Of course, that depends on whether I can get out of bed easily in the morning. If not, then I will prop myself up on the couch with the heating pad and a stack of books waiting to be read. This blog entry has been viewed 650 times
I keep forgetting it is only early May
Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:44 pm Things are lushing out in the garden....that's growing more lush, not bellying up to the bar in excess. Not a lot of color yet, but the green really looks pretty, especially this morning when the sky was still a little dark from an early morning rain....a whopping 1/4 inch, but at least it was wet. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 574 times
Gnomes - two happy couples
Category: FRED - the garden | Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:46 pm These are the gnomes who have decided to live with me. Maudie and her hubby. Since I let him get snowed on a couple of years ago right after he took up residence by the birdbath, he hasn't been interested in letting me know his name. Maudie is much more outgoing, giving me her name the minute I saw her. They are making their home next to the birdbath and under the ever growing hollyhock. ![]() This is as picture of Randy and I in our gnome form. We share a bench next to the (nonworking) woodburning stove. To the left you can see Smauglet. ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 652 times
Day 2 of my 60th year
Category: Random bulletins from my brain | Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:10 pm Not a whole heck of a lot different than the last day of the 59th year. Day 1 of the 60th year was spent bamboozling the 6 yr old grandson and hoping to watch the NASCAR race that was eventually rain delayed until today. I did make it to Home Depot for mulch, I really like the Scotsman brand shredded cedar mulch they carry and I went ahead and bought myself a Coreopsis. Today was spent catching up on laundry...nothing new about that, I usually put it off until someone asks where their clean underwear is anyway. I did get the new plant in the ground and put the mulch out on the new bed. And I treated myself to a bowl of Neopolitan ice cream with dark chocolate syrup after lunch. This blog entry has been viewed 662 times
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