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Recent Entries to this Blog The hardest part of having a pet
Posted: 19 Feb 2017
Posted: 06 Feb 2017
new computer
Posted: 06 Oct 2016
I have a new boss
Posted: 13 Sep 2015
2015- The year of the rains
Posted: 15 Jun 2015

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Kay's Blog

The hardest part of having a pet

Category: my first blog ever! | Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 4:07 pm

We got Dolly exactly 12 years ago. She was a 6 month old at the adoption center. I had recently lost my big kitty Patches, and had 3 year old Chloe. I thought Chloe would like a buddy. Well I was sort of wrong about that; Chloe was less than welcoming. But little Dolly didn't care, she just went about her own business.
Dolly was really adventurous. I had a second story deck, and she loved to be out there. She always wanted to be outside, but I was protective and didn't want her going too far from home so it kept me busy keeping watch on her. One afternoon, I looked out on the deck, and she was clinging by her claws off the edge. It was kind of funny, but I had to rescue her.
Then there was the time she climbed up a huge Maple and was sitting on a branch about 15 feet up. She didn't seem too concerned, but I was frantic and thought I needed to help her to get down. No ladder around, I tried to coax her, but gave up. Needless to say, she made her own way down when she was ready.
We moved to our home in 2006, and right away Dolly began to explore. Dogs bordering our property helped her learn her boundaries, but I did have to chase her and search for her when she strayed. Whenever another cat came onto our property, Dolly was there to give them the what-for and chase them away.
Dolly had medium long hair, and it was a chore to keep it picked up. Daily brushing!
In 2013, Dolly was unhappy that our loud, chatty Grandson was here, so she disappeared to the outdoors. Well. I really mean disappeared!! We thought she was a goner..... Six weeks passed and who showed up ?? Yep. Lost 1/2 her body weight, dirty, smelly and obviously freaked out. She managed to find her way home. 2 1/2 days at the vet with an IV drip, and she was OK. It took her a good six more weeks to recover fully, and that was when she really learned her home turf boundaries. I don't think she left our property again! Except for Bob and I, Dolly was scared of people. She would go hide when the company came. A lot of my family or friends could count on one hand how many times they saw her! But with me she was so affectionate and it was funny how she insisted on sitting on my lap during the cold months, then when it was nice... off she was to her outdoor world. She loved to sit out and be our sentry at night and we'd let her in before bed.
I loved how she always followed me around as I did yardwork and gardening. She was my supervisor, LOL! I loved being with her out there.
About a month ago, I realized she wasn't interested in my lap or even being around us. She was finding hiding places to be by herself, and not sleeping on the foot of the bed. Then we noticed she was pawing at her mouth, she still had her appetite, but ate much slower. The weather has been unbelievably nice here, and she wanted to be outdoors. So last week, when I was out enjoying the sun, I managed to get her to come to me. I picked her up and tried to feel around her mouth. Yep, there was a hard lump under her chin. Took her to the vet. They had to wrap her in a blanket to be able to look into her mouth, and sadly saw the cancerous growth. She was in obvious pain too.
We brought her back later that day. I had to have Bob come too. Dolly passed at 5:30 on Febr. 16th. We buried her at sunset in the yard. She will be under the shed that will be built soon.
I was able to spend some time with her out in the gardens, and talk to her and say my goodbyes, but mostly that day she just wanted to sleep. It was a sad, emotional day.
We had a "wake" that evening, and talked about all her adventures. She was a strong, brave little girl. Headstrong and sometimes a real pest But we are grateful for the time we had her, and we'll look for her at the Rainbow Bridge along with all the other pets we've loved and lost.

This blog entry has been viewed 372 times


Category: Random Stuff | Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:55 pm

Grandkids ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

OK. I am attempting to add a photo here using my new computer and a different source. This is William with his cousins, Maci and Nikolas. They had a sleep over at William's and kept his momma very busy!

This blog entry has been viewed 248 times

new computer

Category: my first blog ever! | Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:03 pm

Hello Stew friends, I have been absent from the Stew for a while. Been busy selling plants; as well as doing a bit of garden work.
Bob and I decided we needed to get a new computer to replace the one we have had for 10 years.
It is an HP laptop; suits our needs fine. Windows 10 is new to me so I have been trying to teach myself something each day, or when I have the time! A lot of new technology for my brain. We are kind of the "old school" sort.
Today, I looked at GS for the first time, and had to re set my PW as it was nowhere in my memory.
So, I hope to be jumping online a bit more as the busy gardening season comes to an end.
We are also awaiting a new fiber optic internet provider that has just come to our city. They have trenched in the lines, are working out kinks, and we hope to go live with it very soon. Hoping all these updates will improve our cyber world. LOL

This blog entry has been viewed 300 times

I have a new boss

Category: Landscaping Girl | Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:54 pm

So, this summer was my tenth year at my job, which is with a landscaping company. It began with my boss, and three employees working out of a garage. Fast forward 2015, the business is on 20 acres with a big new shop and offices. Lots of employees, so many I lost count... 30 maybe?
I helped grow the business with my hard work,and skills with plants and people. It was a good run, as gardening is my passion and it came easy.
This year, however has had it's challenges, and I was running ragged by the time August arrived. I had very early mornings, long hours in a variety of weather conditions. Sometimes a crew of inexperienced guys with no knowledge of what to do. That is maddening!!!
My dear husband was seeing the toll it was taking on me before I did. He sat me down one evening, and said "I want you to quit your job." I was surprised at first, but after we began to discuss it , things became clear and I agreed that it was probably the best thing to do for my family.
I was anxious about departing. Don't mean to brag, but my leaving would create a huge vacuum in the company. I held an important position.
But I did resign, or retire as my boss thought of it. I stuck around for a while to "train" a very lovely young women to replace me. She has no experience, but is confident, and wants the challenge.
It feels like a relief now, to be out of the craziness.
I have time I need to take good care of my gardens and home, my husband, and be available to my kids and grandsons. By the way, I will be having another grandchild next April Yay!
To fill my spare time, I will be doing gardening for select people. Mostly elderly women I know from my mom, and Bob's work. Just enough to keep me busy, and help people with my skill and passion.
So- my new boss is ME!!!

This blog entry has been viewed 340 times

2015- The year of the rains

Category: Landscaping Girl | Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:17 pm

It is raining today. It rained yesterday, and the day before that. It has rained so much this year that I don't remember the days it didn't! It's wet, it's muddy. The low areas are flooded continually. Lakes,streams and rivers are full, and some are out of their banks.
The trees love it, and the grass lawns are lush. My plants look pretty good right now. However, I am beginning to see signs of stress from too much ground moisture. A bit of yellowing on shrubs.
We haven't had to water at all.
I have had many days off, and many more days of working in the wet, rainy conditions.
We set a new record in May for rainfall, and it looks like we may do it again in June.
Enough! Please send the sun!

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A busy spring underway!

Category: Landscaping Girl | Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:56 pm

I am back to work and busier than a one armed paper hanger.
It seemed to hit all at once. One day, on my winter break- the next: BUSY! I manage three maintenance crews, as well as estimating and selling jobs.
We are going full swing cleaning winter debris, mulching Etc Etc. Making our customer's gardens look good again.
The weather has been pretty good. A few chilly mornings, and sometimes rather windy, but it is definitely spring. All our beloved plants are waking up! Hooray! My favorite time of year.
The trouble is I have so much to do now, that I haven't been able to check in with my Garden Stew pals as much. I miss you all, and some weekend day I will have more time to chat and catch up. Happy Spring everyone!

This blog entry has been viewed 302 times

New office/shop part 2

Category: Landscaping Girl | Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 5:11 pm

Went out to the office last week to take care of a few details. Still not ready for spring work here yet, it's still winter!
I did get a chance to see the progress of the shop/office. Drywall and ceilings all done, walls have been painted.
There will be two private offices, and one large reception area, with room for future retail display.

( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

The shop is really big, the guys are pretty excited about having this nice new space. Concrete floors, heat, space to work!

( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

It's a long way from finished, but coming right along!
I can't wait until my part comes with the new display gardens we are installing in front

This blog entry has been viewed 284 times

New office and shop!

Category: Landscaping Girl | Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:17 pm

The Landscaping company I work for continues to grow and change. I have been employed since the beginning, when we operated out of my boss' garage and family room.
Since 2008, we have been south of town, on 20 acres of farm land which once was a dairy farm (good compost in that soil!)
This past fall, construction began on our new office and shop. The weather has been so mild that a lot has been done. I was out recently to check it out, and go over the design for the new gardens, water feature/patio/pergola that will be in the front. Exciting!
The office gals can not wait to move into their new digs, and the shop guys are thrilled to have this big, new space to work.

New shop/office , front looking north ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

cement truck here today ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

New shop looking east ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 300 times

Stubborn remaining leaves

Category: my Winter thoughts | Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:38 pm

This has got me curious. This Fall, we had a sudden cold snap and it seems to have affected the leaves on a lot of trees and shrubs here. Normally, by this time in December- we have very bare branches and the leaves are long gone. Not this year.

( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )
My Japanese Maple

( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

The neighbor's huge Silver Maple

( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

Diabolo Ninebark

( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

Redtwig Dogwood

( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )


( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

Burning Bush

These are all in my gardens, and I have seen many more in my customers', and around my neighborhood.
Some say the leaves were frozen in place by the extreme cold and will hold these leaves until spring. I'm certain there is a scientific explanation, and I could probably delve deeper into this with my master gardener groups, or the county extension. I just thought it would be interesting to hear what you all think, and if it has ever occurred with your plants?

This blog entry has been viewed 339 times

My son's wedding

Category: Random Stuff | Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:57 am

My youngest son, Ben was married on Sept. 12th. It was an outdoor ceremony at the Sunken Gardens, which is a city garden full of gorgeous annuals that are designed in themes to create a beautiful colorful sight.
It was a pretty day, had some rain in the morning, but it cleared off and was not too hot for us. The flowers are stunning. My pictures will not do it justice.
It was a small ceremony with just immediate family. Afterwards there was a dinner and dance which was a whole lot of fun. So happy for their wonderful little family!

Me and my son Ben on his wedding day ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

Sunken Gardens ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

Me and Bob ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

Cousins; Noah holding Nikolas ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

wedding ceremony ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

Ben, Emily and Nikolas ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

Ben and Emily ( photo / image / picture from Kay's Garden )

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