Wow, 2ofus, that's some vine! A woody perennial vine has a hard, woody trunk like a tree, just not as fat... at first Over time, the girth increases & can damage structures &/or become part of them, and some make trunks that can get as big as a small tree. These vines are as big as their supports: https://garygunderson.files.wordpre...s-vineyard-in-estreito-de-camara-de-lobos.jpg
Well, there are loads of different types of honeysuckle(Lonicera)--there is even a couple of bush types. There are fragrant ones those without fragrance and some with out-of-the ordinary fragrances, there are even variegated-leafed ones. There is an enormous selection, something for almost every taste. Clematises also--such an enormous variety of colours, flower sizes and shapes. I believe that there are also a couple of fragrant ones.
OK so after paying a great deal of attention to the way the sun hits the porch area then I was here yesterday, I have realized, sadly, that the area in which I want to plant the vine just doesn't get enough sun for the things I really want to plant. It bums me out, but there you go. There ARE areas however that get plenty of sun, like on the wall of the garage in the picture below, (mid afternoon by the time I took the photo, but it gets full morning sun) so I'm going to plant some of what we discussed above on a trellis against the garage wall. We're going to make that entire length of garage wall a flower bed, and one or two climbing vines will be included. It looks pretty forlorn here And here it is in relation to the porch...we'll be able to sit out on the porch and see the riot of color against the garage. I realize it will be a couple of seasons before it even begins to approach what I see in my mind, but isn't that what gardening is all about...seeing what's there now, all the while envisioning what will be? And finally, here is what I found at my local HomeDepot that I on the spot (what was I thinking??? I usually do days of research!!!) decided to buy and plant. It's a bower plant. It's not any of the vines we discussed, but both the information on the planting card that came with it, plus what I've googled, leads me to believe that it might actually make it where it's planted. Apparently they can thrive in part sun, or under light, shifting shade or growing under high pines. Fingers crossed. Worst case it won't thrive, and I'm out $10.
I'm not familiar with that plant Ronni ... I hope it does well for you! I have visions of a very colorful flower bed behind that garage ...
Ronni I do not have any rooted at the moment but I have an old fashioned red half climber rose if you would like cuttings !! They root easily but do not climb on their own. They have long runners that you can tie up or shape as you wish. Mine is starting to bloom now.
Pandorea jasminoides (Pandora Vine, Bower Vine) It will be an annual in your zone but if you dig it up before the first frost and pot it up, you could keep it in a warm part of the house for the winter.
If you have another trellis, you could try Bryonia. One or two ought to do you fine...and they will come up every year. I planted some seeds a couple of days ago and I will use them to cover a screen over by the bees. The flowers are small and numerous but bees and butterflies just cover them during the summer...also quite a few solitary bees.
Seriously???? Oh Mart, I'd LOVE cuttings! Thank you SO much! I'll pm you my address OK? Wow, SO excited about this! I still have one of the two mini hosts that Barb sent to me, as my only other Stewie plant!