It's always so exciting when a house plant blooms. Let's see your pics! These are within the past month, except where it says otherwise. Some of my snake plants (Sansevieria) are making buds. Some Coleus still blooming in greenhouse. I seem to be collecting Kalanchoes. The ones making buds so far are K. laetivirens: Lavender scallops (K. fedtschenkoi.) K. longiflora K. houghtonii K. blossfeldiana Some Swedish ivy (Plectranthus verticillata) and Begonia 'Sinbad' blooming in greenhouse. Aloe bellatula blooms constantly. My fingers are holding the stem of the previous inflorescence that I'd just trimmed and a new one is forming in the center. Its' blooms look like this, a past pic. This Callisia stem has formed buds. All Peperomias make this funky type of "string" inflorescence. This one is P. verticillatus. Kleinia fulgens (AKA Senecio fulgens) has a cute little pom-pom bloom.
It's so nice to see all your plants looking so healthy and putting on a show for you. There's so many with buds that your home must look lovely when they all burst into bloom.
TYVM for the encouraging words! Graptosedum 'Vera Higgins/Francesco Baldi' is forming an inflorescence. These only have 1 head. Where it looks like a 2nd head is growing in the upper R corner is the inflorescence. It will get much longer & have little yellow flowers soon. My first holiday cactus of the year has opened its' blooms (Schlumbergera truncata.) This one is a little behind. It was a gift from a neighbor. Looks like it will have white or yellow blooms.
The next bloom forming on Aloe bellatula. Other Kleinia fulgens buds on plants in a diff pot, almost ready! Holiday cactus, an almost-white one has started blooming. (Schlumbergera truncata.) Potted with Coleus & Begonia 'Medora.' Air plant preparing to bloom. (Tillandsia ionantha.) I don't think the pic shows it but I can see buds forming in the tip of jewel orchid. (Ludisia.) Progress on one pot of snake plant buds. (Sansevieria trifasciata.)
Mother of thousands/millions flowers are opening (Kalanchoe x houghtonii.) Mariner's Kalanchoe blooms are starting (K. marnieriana.) Orange Schlumbergera truncata at its' height of bloom. 'Moonshine' snake plant blooming (Sansevieria trifasciata 'Moonshine.') Tiny Callisia elegans blooms. Regular snake plant blooming (Sansevieria trifasciata.)
For some reason yellow flaming Katys (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) always blooms before the red. Status shots: Red playing follow-the-leader:
Some blooms near a south window. More Kleinia/Senecio fulgens blooms. Peperomia 'Jellie' is blooming, though it's not the kind of thing that makes people say "wow." Basket plant inflorescences progressing rapidly (Callisia fragrans.) Striped snake plants (Sansevieria trifasciata.) One of the mother of millions/thousands plants (Kalanchoe laetivirens) blooms are almost ready to open. I have a ton of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana plants, almost all are blooming by now. I have orange, yellow, red. On the hunt for white & pink! A pot of 3 kinds of Kalanchoe, the houghtonii is in full swing, soon to be followed by fedtschenkoi & blossfeldiana. Queen's tears is getting ready to put on a show (Billbergia nutans.)
I am always at a loss for words when I see what a successful grower of plants you are.This last bunch are no exception to what you regularly show. I do not think that i know anyone else that has such luck getting indoor plants to bloom. It is just wonder. Chapeau.
Over the years, from its diminutive beginnings this is plant has grown quite large. This will be the second year in eight that it has had a flower. It has experienced a stressful winter. Changes of light, heat and location were not kind and have caused many many segments to fall off. So many that I thought a blossom was out of the question. With other plants blooms are expected and evoke minor disappointment when they are absent. When this plant came to fruition I was excited. Several years later when it first flowered I was ecstatic. Then, a year of nothing, a period of growth but no flowers. Today at the beginning of it's flowering season a FLOWER BUD!! Sometimes big surprises come in small packages. Jerry