My boss at work had this plant growing since I started to work in 2014. We had some mishaps with the room heater where it was located this winter and the poor thing began to die. It started to look like mold growing on it and it hardly had any roots. She gave it to me wrapped in a wet paper towel telling me to see what I could do. It has been 5 months, it has gotten roots, grown an inch, had some small orange flowers grow on it. But my boss doesn't know what it is called nor do I. And I can not find a pic of it. Can someone please help?!
Looks like a dumb cane....based on the pic Actually I see 2 different plants which one are you referring to?
The long one with thin needle like leaves looks like Moss Rose, Portulaca grandiflora (Moss-Rose Purslane, Rose Moss) Click on the blue link to see growing info and photos on our database entry for the plant. The Moss Rose comes in white, yellow, orange, pink and red.
OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! That's it!! I know almost all my plants in my apartment but that one. The pics are exactly what it is!!
You are welcome. I love Moss Rose and fill pots outside with it every spring, it loves lots of sun, blooms a lot and re-seeds itself so there is always some coming up in places I know I didn't plant it. But they are easily transplanted.
If you are in a moderate area it will come back every year if outside. It tends to get stringy and lanky as an indoor plant. Outside it will thicken up and fill a planter pot with blooms.