I find it all remarkable, Gail. Your man did a good job too. The decs make me think of Penang, Malaysia for some reason
Thanks Sjoerd and my hubby is good i'd be totally lost with out him Yes your right about Penang but china came more in to mind, as I love Chinese ornaments. Sjoerd how would you feed tropical fish regarding how many times in a week and how many in that day plus the amount...as it was the manager who served me today and tested the water and the tropical fish are fed daily and twice and just a pinch of food.
@Sjoerd @eileen and @Logan tested the water again today myself...PH 7.6 so brough API down which comes tomorrow and I had a reading of slight nitrate 5.0ppm, so tomorrow 25% of water will be removed to correct it. Last night while I was in kip land hubby took a video with with the light off and tomorrow i'm going to purchase some more fish.
Gail fish don't have very big stomachs and I remember being told that the amount they need daily is just enough to cover one of their eyes. I stuck to this and my fish thrived. I had around a dozen fish and one pinch was enough to feed them all.
Hello Eileen, well I never knew that their stomach is the size of their eyes ...well I've looked at the guppies and the different types and I just love how their tails sway, so i'm just keeping those in the tank but with different colours...nice to hear your fish have thrived ...i'm heavy handed and a pinch in my hands could be more than they need so my hubby as made me this...it's one of those caps you put on a screw with a glued cable tie and Eileen I appreciate your help very much "Thank you"
Thanks Logan but my hubbies camera and video isn't the best ...i'm slowly getting there and getting used to how you do things and if things raise how to get them lowered ….it's trial and loads of patience
That looks great Gail!! Overfeeding can cause some real problems so the feeder spoon your hubby made is ideal. Some of the male guppies have really impressive, coloured tails don't they? Just remember one thing about guppies though - if by chance you should buy a female by mistake be prepared for lots of babies. They tend to breed like rabbits!! Oh before I forget again (meant to tell you in my last message ) you can buy freeze dried cubes of tubifex worms that you'll fish will enjoy. Just put a small bit into the tank and have fun watching them eat. With our bigger fish we used to put live tubifex worms into a special feeder and had to laugh when it looked as though they were eating spaghetti by pulling them through the holes in it. You are going to have real fun with your fish I'm sure and they are going to enjoy living in that lovely setup you have for them.
@Gail-Steman it was good of your hubby to make you that feeding spoon. I didn't know that there was so much to do looking after them. I like their tails also and how they dart about.
Hi Eileen I used the feeder spoon this morning and it's ideal and I took water out again and but in the two lots of API besides gave them a bit of food...i'm going for some more around the 27th/28th. I've got to male in the tank, they had them separated in the shop as I told him I don't want them breeding as he was suggesting a female and I read your message to my hubby last night and he said straight away...all males but I have read the males show a glorious display to the females. The only trouble is where I went wrong was the gold sucker fish is an Albino gold sucker and as they mature they get aggressive and attack other fish...so i'll be watching it and when it gets larger i'll remove it and put in an otto catfish as they don't grow large. The food i'm feeding them is Antlabs Probiotic Tropical food. Here a pic of the two guppies I have in at the moment. Hi Logan, he did it because he knew more would go in than needed ...neither did I Logan but there is but apparently once you have the amount you've got in it's starts to settle down but you must keep them clean...I don't regret going in this direction, after blaze we did think of a dragon lizard but it would me a bigger tank and they're prone to infection in their tails if the tanks no large enough for their tails to spread. Sjoerd sorry you couldn't see it
@Sjoerd @eileen and @Logan, Did a video myself on my phone and got hubby to download it for me, so sjoerd you should be able to see this one ...@eileen they're supposed to be to males but the one keeps chasing the other If you click on the square on the right at the bottom you get full screen and to get back to normal, click the square again on the right.
They certainly both look like males Gail. They're probably trying to work out the pecking order between them to see who's going to be the Alpha male in the tank. Just keep an eye on them as they will sometimes rip at each others tails. However they'll only really get hyper aggressive if there's a female around so you should be OK. Your Albino gold sucker fish is a lively little thing isn't it? I'm beginning to get broody about having a tank of my own again but I doubt Ian will allow it.