Do you buy vegetable seeds at a store or garden center? Or do you purchase them from a catalog or online?
We have a great little garden center/market here ! I buy seed there or on ebay if its a hard to find seed ! In spring I get started vegetables for $1.99 per six pack for most ! Few are $2.29 for a six pack but not many !
Petronius, a friend just gave me a bucket load of vegetable seeds. She has given up her community garden plot and thus gave me all her seeds. Some are still obviously fresh, others I will have to do a germination test on. I am grateful.
The variety is better from mail order places and you generally get better information on the specific variety from the catalog than you do from the back of the seed packet. However garden centers often stock only varieties that do well in your area or are "tried and true". I usually get about 80% of my seeds online and 20% locally. Its one of the great winter activities to pore though all the catalogs and flag stuff you want to grow. Standing at the racks in the garden centers is just not the same thing.
I bought several packs from Park Seed Co. They have a really good website with many varieties reduced. Got them less than a week later. getting my catalogs (Baker Creek, Parks Seeds, Burpee and more) this time of the year....Happy Gardener!!! Oh, yes i've been super busy...will reveal why later.
I do most of my buying online. We don't really have a good variety of seeds around here in the nurseries.
I bought mine online from what appears to be a small Canadian company. I'll probably buy a few extra seeds, here and there, later.