I would not recommend those for containers ! You would likely get leaves but little else unless the container was huge !
you can try... maybe if your grow bag is a good size, well supported ( is it doesn't topple over if the veg gets heavy on one side), and you give it more care... maybe it would work better then in the garden because you have more control of soil consistency and all that stuff. who knows!
How big is your garden area ? Keep in mind that cole crops are cool weather vegetables ! Even if you do not have room for them in the spring,, plant them as a fall crop ! Crop rotation,, sort of ! Or plant them early and when they are harvested go with the warm weather crops ! Or just plant around them in the spring and finish the planting when the cole crops are done !
I do have the room but I don't take tomatoes and peppers out until October or so. So I'd probably have to pull the tomatoes and peppers early
Last year we did container gardening for tomatoes and peppers. The tomatoes were indeterminate and did well but we had to reinforce the stalks throughout the season. Peppers did very well production wise but the fruit was a bit undersized. I attribute that to smaller containers, mostly 3 gallon size. Next year I will use 5-7 gal pots for almost everything. We planted bell, cayenne and habanero peppers, as well as pink girl and cherry tomatoes. I do have some cabbage and brussel sprouts growing this winter. One thing I will do differently is to fertilize every 10-14 days as opposed to every 3-4 weeks. That was too little for the production I hoped for...
Why would you do that,, the others would be quite small and would not affect the plants you already had ! I mean its only a six inch plant ! Stick it between the ones already at maximum size and by the time you remove the old plants,, the others will be growing well ! And you will be 30 days or more ahead !
I didn't think of that. Thanks for all your help. Do most people start brassicas from seed inside or outside?
Here in Texas with our moderate winters we use the started plants and depending on the weather plant sometime in late Feb or March ! In colder areas you need to start seeds early if you have no access to inexpensive started plants ! I assume you are talking about Broccoli, Brussel sprouts and cauliflower ? Cabbage too if you have room but they can actually be planted a little later !!
I was talking about broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage for sure I'm not sure anybody in my family likes brussel sprouts. I've never seen starts in a nursery around here but havent really looked either.