Thanks Toni, that’s so nice. I’ve had many posts in Garden Stew of Chloe. She was a great kitty pal. I’m petless for the 1st time since I really can’t say when. Seems I’ve always had a pet or two. *sigh*
So sorry to hear of your loss Kay. 18 years is a lot of happy memories to look back on, and in time, they'll give you comfort.
Our house feels so empty today. When we came home, there was no kitty greeting with that “where have you been?” look. I find myself looking for Chloe or expecting her to follow me. I know it’ll be awhile until I’m used to no kitty.
So sorry for your loss Kay. I lost my cat Boots in August and I'm still not used to no kitty. The other day I looked into my cart while shopping and I had put in cat food without realizing it
Kay sorry i'm late replying but so sorry to hear about losing Chloe and like yourself you get so used to them following you, it's hard to except once they're gone
In Loving Memory Of Lady G. (2007 - January 14, 2019) I lost my dear cat on January 14, 2019. Her name is Lady G. I had her for about 12 years, and she meant the world to me. Her and I had such a beautiful friendship. She was so loving. So much fun to be around. You couldn't ask for a better furry friend. I will never forget this precious, little girl. She was truly an angel. I lover her, and miss her dearly. If interested, here's the link to her memorial page: In Loving Memory Of Lady G. Thank you very much for reading. Jeffrey
So sorry for your loss @+Jeffrey+ She was a lovely looking cat and it's hard when they leave,especially when it's sudden. I know I've been there with my dogs, 5 times now. But it helped me when there were the others to look after. You have all the good memories,thanks for the link she was lovely. All the best Logan.
Jeffrey I can feel the pain of you losing Lady G in every word of your post. When we have companions or so long it's so hard when they leave us. She was a beautiful little lady and, in time, you'll be able to look at her photographs and smile at the memories they bring back. Until then you have my sincere condolences.
Thank you for the kind words, Logan. I appreciate it. And thank you too, Eileen. Your kind words are certainly appreciated as well.
So sorry for your lost... She was a beautiful pet! It just so happens that my wife and I have a young feline also named Lady G, so named for her gray coloring as a kitten (as well as her lady-like demeanor). Hope you can find the fact that there is another "Lady G" in the world a small comfort.
Thank you very much for the kind words. I truly do appreciate it. I think that's awesome that you have a cat named Lady G. And if you don't mind, please give her a kiss on the head, and a few scratches around the ears for me. I had a tom cat several years ago named Scut G. Farcus. He looked similar to Lady G. I figured I'd honor him by putting the G in her name, too. I've always had a special place in my heart for cats. Again, thanks for the kind words, my friend.