I'm no germophobe (anyone who has seen my house knows that!) but I'm uncomfortable dining indoors with someone's dog sitting nearby . I understand patio dining--birds are flying overhead, you have leaves drifting down, and there is Fluffy-Poo sitting on the patio. It's a choice--outdoor ambiance with all the associated possibilities. How do you feel about dining indoors with dogs? I did it for years in my own home, but not when we had guests. The dog knew he was to wait in his "spot" until we finished, then he could go to the kitchen and get a treat. So, what's your feeling on this earth shaking matter?
In Hawaii there are so many chickens that you have to share the restaurant with them. It is not uncommon to have a chicken walk under your table in an open air breakfast/lunch restaurant. Drop a scrap on the floor and it will be gone in seconds. Jerry
Jerry, we had the same experience in the BVI, but with parrots. They would perch, watch your plate, and if you weren't vigilant swoop down and steal your toast. I've seen folks wrapping an arm around their plate to protect it from the marauders. Fortunately, neither my husband nor myself is a big fan of toast!
Well,, lets see ?? I am sitting here now at the table in the den with an 80LB hound dog at my feet ! And we have a number of others hubby found as puppies out in the country ! I will trade my vet bill with anyone ! Any takers ? Does that give you an idea MG ?
We have some restaurants, cafes and bars that have designated areas that allow dogs. I actually don't mind a well behaved dog that lies under a table and stays there while the owners eat. None of the places they are allowed into will allow them to be off leash though so they can't run around loose. They won't let filthy or soaking wet dogs, or aggressive/noisy ones, into their premises either. Living in a rural area, as we do, there tends to be more places that accept dogs. As a dog owner myself there are times when it is really convenient to have places that allow you to take your dog into.
My wife and I were sitting at an outdoor seashore restaurant and a lady went to the restroom. While away, an observant seagull, probably watching while she ate, swooped in and made off with her meal. When she returned, her plate was minus the gull's loot. The management does warn customers with well placed signs about the marauding bandits but who pays attention to signs? Jerry
With the growing number of Service Dogs available for people who need them, some restaurants only allow service dogs in their facility. But since some service dogs are not easily identified it is difficult to distinguish between the ones who have to be legally allowed and the ones who are being brought in under false pretenses. And the restaurant can get into trouble with the Feds if they refuse a dog entrance and it turns out to be a registered service dog.
My dog intently watches us eating. A night out is a respite not only from doing the dishes afterwards.
this is so true. we actually just experienced this. two dogs same time same restaurant. one was a true service dog the other was a fake one. the fake one was yappy and she pulled it through the restaurant on its leash. the other laid quietly under the table while the lady ate. never heard a peep or noticed it if you didn't know it was there.
I do like kids. I really do. They are just being kids. But honestly I think that dogs in restaurants would sometimes be better behaved than little kids! But on further reflection, this is not really true. The vast majority of parents deal very well with their little ones. It's just the exceptions that tend to stand out unfortunately.
Our oldest grandson's former girl friend had a service dog named Harley. Big, but so friendly and lovable. Put on his vest and he was all business, we took them out to eat a few times and only one time were we refused service....until the manager found out and he came running to correct the mistake made by the waiter. Harley curled up under the table at Amy's feet and never moved.
I guess I don't mind so long as the dog is quiet, not smelly, can fit out of the way of others and isn't up on the table. I don't mind a dog in a restaurant but I don't want to see the dog eating restaurant food (not sure why but as I think about this that would be my cut line)
Eating restaurant food would not be good for the dog....seasoning, the way it's cooked, etc is not good for dogs.
I do not like dogs or cats in a restaurant. Over here though, it is a normal thing in most restaurants, so there is no need to complain. Having said all that I do not recall seeing very many of the dogs that people brought in actually roaming around free. They all stay at their owners' feet and are quiet. So for me I believe that it is a question of perceived poor hygiene than actual poor hygiene of the food served. My Bride and I have talked about this many times and then reflected upon all the places that we have eaten over the world, the dysentery that we had picked-up here and there and the loose hygienic practices that we have witnessed...and we then asked ourselves--"What are we moaning about here"? Kids are a world unto themselves. Screaming and crying tykes that wail and throw food all over the place I actually like far, far less. To be fair, it isn't really the kids at fault here--it is the parents that do not adequately deal with this little disruptful beings. In my Bride's younger days, she worked as a waitress in several countries as well as in the usa. She has told some pretty hair-raising tales of restaurant violence committed by children, and then the circles of debris that she would have to clean up around where the high-chairs were standing after the families had departed. I can still see her standing there with arms akimbo and tilted head saying and they so often didn't even leave a tip! hahaha. Oh dear me.