Useful info regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by S-H, Apr 8, 2020.

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  1. In Flower

    Jan 5, 2019
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    Montreal, QC, Canada
    lol this is BS...

    fact is 60-70% of people will get this virus, we can slow the spread but the fact remains.
    so I say, let's rip off the bandaid.

    if anything slowing the spread is very bad, it means the vulnerable do not have herd immunity working for them for a long long time.

    and also... class action lawsuit on CNN for spreading fear in order to profit from higher view counts.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
    Odif likes this.
  2. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Hey guys, this has gone beyond information and and is feeling really political. Please keep it according to site rules.
    Cayuga Morning and S-H like this.
  3. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    I totally agree... If the uncalled for snide remarks, as well as unprovoked acts of micro aggression and verbal contempt against other members doesn't stop - I will have no choice but to request the moderators to please lock down this thread.

    If anyone has a political agenda or an axe to grind, and thus can't live without stirring the pot - Then please go elsewhere to provoke others. Because there really is no shortage of political forums over the internet. But please leave this community alone!

    Because of such misbehavior, the real purpose of this thread, which was to have all the correct information in one place for easy access - Is now already lost...

    Instead this is now slowly degenerating into just another egg throwing contest.

    :smt013 :smt013 :smt013 :smt013 :smt013
    Jewell likes this.
  4. In Flower

    Jan 5, 2019
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    Montreal, QC, Canada
    more of these tests are now happening...

    1/5 people in NYC have antibodies, this is good news! the antibody tests done last week painted a more rosy picture, still, this data confirms that the mortality rate is <1%

    plus I think they are logging any death as covid-19 no matter what the circumstances, as long as the patient tests positive, so all signs point to we overreacted.

    I suspect they will soon reopen the world, anyway here in Quebec, the government is talking about and taking steps to reopen schools and businesses
    Odif likes this.

  5. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Adam, neither you nor I are professional health practitioners. So please resistant the urge of talking about such highly skilled people in a condescending tone - As if they don't know their own job. And thus can't correctly identify and log who died of what? Or are you straight away implying that they are deliberately being negligent?

    I think it is highly shameful to criticize doctors at such a critical turning point in human history. For they all are right now selflessly risking their own lives for everyone else's wellbeing... So please, unless you too hold a medical degree and are also a practicing doctor or a nurse - You have no right to second guess what they are doing on their duty.

    If anything, the government in NYC is right now being criticized for not taking the threat too seriously during the initial first few weeks. Because of which the pandemic went totally out of control - To the point that refrigerated container trucks were needed to haul away the dead bodies to the graveyards and crematoriums. Something which was never before seem...

    So nobody has really "overreacted". If anything, many governments in many parts of the world are right now being blamed for not reacting fast enough! As a lot of these deaths were very easily preventable...

    But I really don't understand why you are constantly implying, as if this whole thing is nothing but a hoax... Maybe 1% is an acceptable mortality rate for you. But that still makes for 10,000 dead if 1 million are infected, (feel free to do the math yourself if you doubt this as well)...

    On top of this, (aside from going out of your way to offend everyone who favors vaccination) - You also posted a highly offensive picture, which actually qualified as religious blasphemy. Why you did that, I'll never know - But thankfully the moderators removed that in time before anyone else saw it... However it still doesn't explain why you are out to offend everyone else who has a different opinion from you?

    If you have a political agenda, then nobody over here is stopping you from writing letters and emails to the elected representatives of your locality. Also feel free to write blogs as well as letters to the editors in newspapers, (if you solidly believe you have something to prove).

    But this forum is not about the things you seem to have an agenda or a personal vendetta against...

    Moderators, if you are reading this. Please lock this thread. As nothing good is going to come out of it anymore!
  6. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    I agree that it's a good idea to lock the thread. Please avoid political talk as no-one ever wins and it just divides us further. Thanks for understanding :like:
    Cayuga Morning, Jewell, toni and 2 others like this.

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