Nice to hear that you two managed some time together at last Ronni. Just a pity you can get together more often. Fingers crossed Sheri moves out sooner rather than later.
All I can do is shake my head in shock & amazement that anybody would do that and subject everybody else to such risk......wowwwww
Yeah, I agree completely. I mean, take me out of the equation completely, y'know? Forget me, I'm just the add-on to the family, the evil Step Mom. But that's HER DAD, her high risk, lung compromised father she's putting at risk, who's done EVERYTHING for her! I mean, WHAT THE @#$%&!!!!
She doesn't get it. It is hard for her to see beyond her immediate needs. She is a babe in the woods in that regard. Think of someone emotionally younger than her chronological age. That is why it is important for her dad to protect not only you and him but also, ironically her. It would not be good for her if her behavior wound up giving her dad a fatal illness.
Today I read a report about treatment of covid. I will tell you I am convinced this is real. We are treating it erroneously. I have been sick since Dec... today is the best I have felt in 5 months... I am on an antibiotic, prednisone (noninflammatory) an inhaler from the dr. and I started zink and tonic water With lemon juice.... this study is literally a mirror of these ingredients. it is miraculous!