I have successfully wintered over some geraniums and a lantana. Given the high price of these annuals typically used for pot display, I'd like to propagate them... this winter? Early spring? So when is the best time to propagate ? Geranium Lantana Verbena Trailing petunias Soft wood cuttings? Hormone powder? In a baggie? Soilless mix?
Geraniums are fairly easy to keep over winter so, propagate them anytime. I don't know much about lantana.. but, verbena and petunias are very susceptible to powdery mildew. you need to keep a close eye on them and keep them sprayed with a fungicide to keep them healthy. both root with rooting hormone powder very easily. You can do any of them with a vented baggie method and bottom heat. verbena you can just place the trailing stems on soil while it is still attached to the plant and it will root right in place. Geraniums you need to keep on the dry side for rooting. don't keep them too moist or they will rot. Use sterile potting mix for all rooting methods. don't take the chance with garden soil.
When taking cuttings, I notice that my cuttings do better when they are placed up against the side of the little pot. I usually place four in a plastic pot. Way back in 2009 I posted this little bit on propagation, perhaps it will be helpful: https://www.gardenstew.com/threads/phlox-propagation-with-cuttings.16420/#post-149484
yes, S is correct in finding them placed along the side of the pot they root (oops, I typed rot the first time) better and faster. must be the heat transfer?