I was thinking about building an equatorial sundial. And for night time maybe an outdoor Astrolabe - Or an instrument which would be a combination of both. So something like this would make an interesting addition to the garden...
I would as well. Something that was larger though, and could also help track the sun position relative to the seasons. 6 feet tall maybe?
I think we should make one of about a foot in size, (not too big). Just to get the concept right. If it turns out to be to our satisfaction, next season build a full size one! I can design one in AutoCAD 3D Pro, and I welcome anyone to join me in this designing - I can share the design here, and everyone can give their input.
I can post screenshots, and share the general design - Which would be easy for anyone to replicate, regarding whatever program they use. Even a pen and paper.
I have a plotter and a wide printer, but basically even printing on regular paper and stitching up a cutting template should work.
Too complicated, so perhaps a bit challenging for all members over here. I say 15 minutes should be good enough.
30 it is then, because any nut can be split in half. also a question. Does one use a level to establish the solar path across two separate points or how is the equitorial plane established given vagary? I read on a google link that it was easily done but with a advertiser bloggers working for google it's more important that you are on a site than it is you find anything useful on that site, ya know?
This page seems to have all the information we need, (available for free). https://www.sundials.co.uk/ https://www.sundials.co.uk/projects
The question of daylight savings time seems challenging. Will it mean an upsettable dial of some sort? Pick it up and move it for the correction? Slide it? Forget about it?
I say forget about it... As a little over 10 years ago our government also tried this daylight saving nonsense - I openly rebelled against it, and refused to change even a second of my clocks. Government still continued and tried it for about 2 years. But nobody payed any attention to it. So the entire thing turned into yet another joke, (where the government tried to introduce something, but people simply ignored it). In the end, like with so many other things. Government just dropped the whole idea one day, and pretended like it never happened, (to save further embarrassment). Sundials show the correct solar time, which is what outdoor nature is governed by. So in the garden, that's what we should go by... Just my opinion. If we want to know the actual time the nation is running by, we can always look at the clock inside.