zigs .. what does your cactus-house look like now? I also noticed the beautiful dark purple bloom on the butterfly bush? It looks like a great butterfly attractant.. what is the name plz? I have an old one and it’s a thug …
Looks like this now Pac Buddleia had to go as it was in the way of the new shed. @Tetters will know which one it was. We've got a few more of them, butterflies and bees love them
Pac, if you look for cultivars like Black Knight, Royal Red, White Profusion etc, they will not seed themselves all over the place and be a nuisance. The butterflies will love them and so will the bees. Try to steer clear of the pale mauve ones that seed themselves all over the place. They took over all the bomb sites here in the UK after the war, and are still rather too prolific here now - a very stubborn weed with big roots!! The cultivars are all extremely easy to propagate. Stem cuttings strike quickly during the growing season .... soon I think the one we had to take out was Black Knight.
Impressive…. that’s is absolutely something I could live in. I adore all the windows to let all the light in and will keep up with insuring my body can process a lot of the essential Vit-D3… very important for lots of natural body eco systems. @Teeters.. thank you for the Budlia info.. I have the old self seeding one that seems to never send seed . However the newer hybrids are absolutely stunning. Butterflies and bees hang on every flower. Interesting to watch them in late summer dancing on the flowers a sort of ballet of wings.
By the time I packed up working at the nursery I reckon I must have grown close on half a million Buddleia plants. I have seen quite a few very pretty new varieties just lately - some of them are much smaller and would look really good in flower beds with the perennials. The smaller shrubs can be quite useful.
That’s a lot of packin.. and hard work.. Kudos to you. There are so many new hybrids low easy grow and lovey attention plants to show off in summers. In my earlier days I grew everything in my garden from seed/shrubs from cuttings… you can get some very interesting and different selections of annuals and perennials growin your own varieties…very different from the nursery supply. Now I barely plant anything … the gas prices for my heated greenhouse is way over priced up to $6 a gallon. I have enjoyed my lil greenhouse for many years. It now is a storage facility . Bummer…will gas prices ever go down…
They've gone down a bit here, unleaded petrol is about £1.49 per litre at the moment. ($8.29 a gallon) Don't think it'll go back down to the 20p a gallon for the parrafin that we used to use to heat greenhouses Some cold damage this week... The compost heap this morning... Noticed these had come up on the compost heap too, but we'll probably eat these
So sorry for your cacti, @Zigs but congrats on the garlic. We've got some in a pot indoors, just for the shots. It's the only way we can harvest our own anything in winter.
Nice looks like what’s popping up around here and there in my garden.hellebores and spring bulbs. The heuchera stored up on the porches protected from snow winter winds look pretty good , considering the crazy winter so far.
Cheers Droopy, they'll recover, got plenty of cuttings We'll be eating them as Spring Garlics, not got enough bed space ready to plant that lot out as well as the onions Bless you
I wonder if you translated my post correctly Pac, ''when I packed up at the nursery'' was meant to mean - by the time I left the job. I was actually doing the propagation of the plants, and am responsible for thousands of the plants sold all over our county. It's a bit like playing plant mummy.
Tetters…. The propagation part of your story was what I was relating to. Propagated all my own plants from cuttings or seed. You’re a plant mummy in large areas from working in a nursery. In some cases I was a plant mummy in my own garden and area I sold a lot of my seedlings at local plant sales .I did’t purchase plant from nurseries when I started my garden I grew many of my perennials and annuals, even shrubs from cuttings. Today the gas prices for my heated greenhouse is over $6 a gallon, not starting any seeds or cuttings in the greenhouse due to cost of heating. Miss starting plants in the greenhouse but of course not comparing to the scale you did at a commercial greenhouse.