New Family Members

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Zigs, Mar 11, 2023.

  1. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    @Daniel W - you never know when one will pop up Daniel. :) The more people that access the site, the more the chances grow.

    We are a large family. Full of cousins, aunts and uncles. My youngest Uncle is three years older than I, and my Youngest aunt is 4 years older. My brother and I were told when I was 11, and he 13, that we were half siblings. My Dad's brother, was his biological father. Yup. The family changed my uncle's name to a nick name, as my brother was named after him.

    Short long story - Mom and Dad were teen sweeties. Dad proposed, Mom said Nope. My Dad left heart broken...with her best friend. (oooooooohhhhhh noooooo) They lived together for a few years. Mean time my Dad's brother had a terrible logging accident and at his hospital bed asked for my Mom. They fell in love, married and had my brother.

    When he turned out to be...not very Mom and brother left. My Dad caught wind of this and came back, single, to this province. He and my Mom reconnected, and he raised my brother as his own son. My Uncle had no interest in being a father.

    It was a bit mind boggling for us for quite a while but we wrapped our heads around it.

    Then...about a year before my Dad passed another brother showed up! Dad had a child when he was a child, and the baby was adopted by a loving and truly good family. My brother reached out and I'm so glad. He was the spitting image of my Dad but with a viking red beard and hair. hahahaha.

    My Dad always said that the heart always can make a little more room for one more to love.

    My son sent me this the other day. It made me laugh. He's a big Monty Python fan.

  2. Zigs

    Zigs Young Pine

    Aug 30, 2021
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    Blimey Mel, that's pretty complex too :eek:

    Love the cartoon :D Saw the Holy Grail at the pictures when it came out, the poster said "Makes Ben Hur seem like an epic" :D
    Pacnorwest, Logan and Melody Mc. like this.
  3. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    I agree.

    You do have a complicated family. But I think most are, if we look close enough.

    I'm also a big Monty Python fan too.

    I have only a few living relatives. In retrospect, I think there is a strong autistic trend in my family, although it wasn't something that was diagnosed back then. We also had a morbid twist of fate, when I was growing up, that someone in what was once my large family would die at christmas time. When I was in high school, I thought it must have been some kind of macabre lottery. But there were heavy smokers, and diabetics (I think christmas treats and potatoes may have killed my diabetic grandmother), and one uncle who witnessed nuclear bombs and he and his kids had cancers. I don't know why it was always Christmas. That's part of why my holiday memories were not happy ones. I remember when I was 15, I was the only one in my family who didn't have the flu, and I had to organize a funeral and pick out a coffin. At the time, I thought that made me an adult.

    My grandfather was in the Philippine - American war in 1907. He used to show me photos of the woman there who he said was his wife, who he did not bring back to the US. My dad said he liked to tell tall tales, but war and soldiers... I wonder if he was telling the truth. So maybe there is someone there, too, but who knows how many generations that would be. Plus, history happens. We never know.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2023
    Logan and Melody Mc. like this.

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