Fox screams and cute kits (cubs)

Discussion in 'Wildlife in the Garden' started by Melody Mc., Jun 1, 2023.

  1. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    We have a fox den not too far away from our home. I must admit that I have a love/hate relationship with foxes. They make a freaky noise at night sometimes ( I'll attach a recording.) Cougars can also call out at night. ( I've attached that also). Although the sounds are different, especially from the comfort of a nice indoor chair in front of a computer :), at night it can make me take pause and wonder which one I am hearing before I venture out. Conservation officers often field phone calls from people thinking it is a cat that they hear but it is more often than not a fox.

    In our area foxes are the main spreader of rabies, next to bats. They have gotten into my chicken coop and rabbit hutches, creating heart breaking damage.

    I've woken up to find one sleeping in the dog run on Angus's bed. And then....Angus had a difficult case of dog lice to get rid of.:eek: And if Angus leaves a toy outside, I had one fox that would find it, move it and then poop on it. o_O

    But, having said all of that, they sure are handsome. And their kits have that awwww factor.

    This one was snoozing behind the house at the sauna/guest cabin.

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    Wee kits ( or cubs). One of the parents was a Calico fox.

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    Frank, Pacnorwest and Sjoerd like this.
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  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    I love the foxy shots. I am like you that I like and am even intrigued by them; however, I am not blind to the negative aspect they represent to farmers, migratory bird populations and the health risk. This goes for foxes that live in the country, the urban foxes are a bit of a different kettle of fish. They have become an interesting phenomenon.

    Anyway, this is a good thread with excellent nature foto’s. Thanks for the vids too.
    Melody Mc. and Pacnorwest like this.
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I love your photographs Melody.
    We have red foxes around here and during mating season we hear the vixens scream to let the males in the area know they are feeling ready for a bit of loving. We don't have any problems with rabies, thankfully, but I know some farmers hate them as they raid their chicken coups.
    Sjoerd, Melody Mc. and Pacnorwest like this.
  5. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    We have foxes at work. One year they even made a den in the vegetable garden! One got to know me quite well and would come to inspect the basket of picked produce ... so cute.
    I'm sure I wouldn't like them if I had chickens, but I love to see them and hope they keep the rabbit population in check.
    I don't love to see cougars ... there was one not far from my house one day and it makes me think everytime I do a dog walk at a weird time. They are scary!
    Sjoerd and Melody Mc. like this.

  6. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    The cougars are my second worse "heeby jeeby" predator Netty. First is wolves. ( we have lost beloved dogs to both). We have had too many close calls between cougars and ourselves, our kids, as well as livestock and fur babies Sometimes it helps to remind myself that there are way more out there than I will ever know about and they like to be shy and mind their own business most times. If I think about them too much I would probably be a shut in. :)

    Angus has a certain mannerism when one is near, and I listen very closely when he lets me know.

    Twice in my lifetime I have been fortunate enough to see a lioness playing with her twin cubs in the snow. That was pretty cool to see....from the cab of my truck :)
    Netty, Sjoerd and marlingardener like this.
  7. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Great to see your fox’s. Baby animals .. so cute. It’s a special day when your allowed to see them… Any names for them?
    Sjoerd likes this.

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