I add honey to my rhubarb when cooking it, i cut a lot up and put it in a roasting tray, pour the honey over and cover with kitchen foil, put in oven and cook until tender, when cool portion it up and freeze.
Wow you got a nice harvest so early in the season. Hope we see the sun soon in the Pacific Northwest. Lots of early spring flowers poppin up. If it stops raining will try to get some new pics.
Just pulled the first of my rhubarb, 5lbs 11oz I'll cut it into pieces Cook it in the roasting tray with some honey, then portion it up to put into the freezer for later use.
@Odif morels are a favourite here - but not usually seen until late May to the end of June. They look delicious.
Picked the first lot of redcurrants 2lb Name is Junifer. Thought I'd pick some before the blackbirds ate them all.