THE HEDGEHOG HERALD Spike Prickles, Suburban Affairs Reporter. There has been no disturbances locally for a few days. A new tenant has been seen taking occupancy of the vacant house. > This may be the reason there's been no further confrontations. The lack of news occupying my column space, gives me a chance to inform you of the latest horror film which is coming soon to your local cinema. Here's a still from it. THE FACE AT THE WINDOW!
I think the fox just had a look. Didn't bother climbing over the fence, or wasn't picked up by either camera.
I don’t know a thing about hedgehogs except the kids had them as pets when they were small. \ Do hedge hogs and fox’s get along. Do you think the fox is following the scent of food?
We've always had foxes visit ours and our neighbours' gardens. Usually at night, one year, one used to have an afternoon nap on the rockery. As I may have mentioned a mother fox gave birth to six cubs under our summerhouse. We enjoyed seeing them but only from behind our French windows, but wouldn't like to repeat the experience. They can curl up into a ball so they can easily protect themselves. I've a photo somewhere from a month ago when there was a fox and a hedgehog eating pellets I'd scatted in front of the house a foot away from each other, neither seemed to bother the other.
It was great seeing those kits frolicking about. Cute things. What sorts of problems did you ave with the family nesting under your summerhouse?
There were no real problems, they flattened some grasses in the small bed in front of the back fence and dug a few small holes in the lawn. There were always muddy paw prints on the floor of the verandah of the summerhouse and on the white panes in the doors. That's about it. They spent their time chasing each other or coming up to the French windows to look at us. Each night, I used to leave a tin of cat food out for them near the summerhouse, some dry cat food and some water. They kept themselves very clean. When they were very young the mother fed them during the day on the lawn. Then she'd have a bit of a sleep as she felt quite safe. I used to put some meal worms in a bowl on the patio steps. They'd check first that it was alright for them to eat them. She stole small soft toys from other gardens and brought them back for the cubs to play with. The others would chase the one with the toy in its mouth around the koi pool. Once my wife said "Quick! One of the cubs has got a blackbird in its mouth and the others are chasing it!" She was quite upset, but I explained it's just nature. The following day I went out in the garden, didn't find any feathers, just this on the back end of the lawn. So no blackbird!
We must have well over a hundred photos and several videos of "Fiona" and her cubs. Here are some favourites. 8th April 2017. "Out of the den without permission." 2nd May 2017 They grow so fast.
THE HEDGEHOG HERALD Spike Prickles, Suburban Affairs, Reporter. An intruder was spotted last night, attempting to get into "The Secret Garden." Why they didn't just climb over the fence is unclear. Normal activity of the regulars was uninterrupted. ">