These four were for us. The two leeks on the right had paper towel tubes over the stems and the two on the left did not. We harvested five more and gave them to a fellow gardening family who did not have anything. Later we made a leek curry with them. Fresh leeks are a real treat.
It sure makes a difference with the tubes and the curry looks yummy. What else do you put in the curry?
Leeks look nice Sjoerd. I just ordered some leek seeds and sweet lightning squash. Did you plant them in the fall, to get them now?
Cheers Willow, The summer leeks here get planted in february and set out in the middle of april. The winter leeks get planted from off the end of march to the middle of may. I have never grown them, but there is a fall leek one can grow. Here’s wishing you all the luck, nice lady. Do not hesitate to ask further questions as the season goes on. I can give you an opinion. No worries.
OK you influencers and gardening examples, I just ordered some leek seeds! Two varieties, for comparison. Baker Creek doesn't charge postage, so they got my order. Plus I didn't see a seed rack in my local budget grocery store yesterday. Just grow like onions? Maybe save paper towel tubes for blanching?
I am happy to hear you are going to try leeks, Daniel. I will tell you though, I do not grow my leeks like I grow my onions though. Not at all. Not that it is difficult, just different. The tubes are not essential of course but they do guarantee a longer area of white stem, which is what you eat.