I started perusing my catalogs and the internet. I have noticed quite the increase with certain sellers on their seed prices for example Serrano peppers similar pkgs range from $2.29 USD to $5.99 USD.. So I will be doing more price checking as I order. Just a little vent and shaking my head on this.
It's frustrating, Clay. The past few years have seen price increases, fewer seeds per package, and higher shipping and handling for some seed sellers. When possible, I buy varieties that are open pollinated, so I can save seeds. I've noticed that some home-saved seeds also seem to have higher vigor and better germination, than the same ones when bought. My guess is they might be more fresh, or maybe I let the seed heads or fruits ripen more fully. For your example, Serranos, I did buy hybrids this year. I get a lot more vigor from hybrid Serranos, bigger plants, better yield, than from open pollinated ones. So my rule does not always hold. It seems like that's also true for JalapeƱos, Thais, and Cayennes. For tomatoes, it's the opposite. I get better yield and flavor from open pollinated dwarf tomatoes. That's also been true for me for beans and squashes.
You might want to check out Migardener. I think all of his are $2.00 a pack and if the post office hasn't made him stop; it's free shipping if you order so much.
@Willowisp0801 got my MI order in the mailbox yesterday. My order consisted of kale,chard, spinach, turnip,beet & onion seeds. Got a free salad bowl mix seed packet and a trifecta fertilizer sample
How did you get the free Trifecta sample? That's great! I use Trifecta and like it a lot. I think he sends that salad bowl out all the time, I also got that with my last order, I think I posted it here. He was having a really good discount sale, at the time.
@Willowisp0801 no clue why I got the trifecta. It wasn't much 7 seed packs. Have you ever seen his live you tube sales ? I got bare strawberries from him last year very cheap.
Yes, that's how I ended up with my last order. He was talking about heirloom varieties that are under rated. I did end up buying Gill's Golden Popping squash which was one he talked about. I don't recall if the onions were or not. I got 6 different types of seeds with that order. I'm going to check out the Gary guy you mentioned in another thread.