Logan Welcome..love your flower beds it looks like a lot of thought, planning and hard work went into a lasting effect for spring garden flowers. The gophers ate all my hyacinths and tulips year after year . I have decided not to plant any more gopher food. So it’s especially nice to see how well your spring garden looks and has performed over time. Great job…
Thanks Pacnorwest, when we moved in here it was all grass and a foot tall very difficult to mow. At that time hubby had a push mower but very quickly bought a electric one. Shame about yours being eaten by gophers, ours sometimes the birds eat the yellow crocus flowers.
Logan birds eating flowers and pollen is a good sign around here , they also eat the larvae and bugs. I have purchased suet cakes to put out soon hoping to encourage more birds to come and clean up the bugs that seem to hatch this time of year. Trying not to encourage those pesky ground squirrels.
Pacnorwest you seem to have a lot of wild animals, we don't have so many, sometimes a fox might dig a hole in my garden, i just put the plants back in.
Yeap the ground squirrels and gophers are a nightmare. It’s a constant battle. I have learned that living out in the country has its pros and cons. I have pretty much adjusted to the many different wild animals that live here. After all most of them were here way before homes were built. So I have learned to cope with deer ,antelope, skunks, raccoons, coyotes not well… but they were here before I was. It’s appears that I am located right in the middle of old established daily trails for deer roaming for food. Basically what’s left in my garden are deer resistant plants. Spring has sprung and lots of spring blooms will be a poppin.
Yes i agree with you about that, it's the same here with Moles, but we're very lucky that we don't get them in our garden.
Loggie, Loggie, Loggie…..such nice-looking Hyacinths. Why, I can almost smeeeeeell them from here. There's a westerly wind.
Bloomin spring flowers finally. double daffs. Pieris Lily of the Valley Shrub. Daffs Magnolias Bleeding hearts I forgot name…?
Very nice set of spring plants, Pac. Really lovely. I have some beauties myself doing their thing here. Here is a double, plus a few more varieties. My daffs are at their top now. This lovely Forsythia belongs to the neighbour lady. The Wisteria is budding, and they will soon be looking good. I’ll bet thst Riley’s are further along than me.
Sjoerd.. adore your lovely daffs so many great varieties. Forsythia in full bloom. As well as a the wisteria buds . Won’t be long to see your plot full spring bloomin beauties. I really do enjoy this thread.