The Good Day All Thread

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Frank, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    Today was a long drive over the back logging road to meet my daughter and her partner on their way home from his parents home. They were here for a week first. She pickled most of the carrots I planted for her and kept a bag for fresh. She dug the late potatoes I planted for her. And harvested the onions and squash while she was here. We took her harvest to her, as well as four bags of frozen rhubarb, some frozen raspberries, dill and green beans. She was SO tickled. :heart::heart: It just made my decade.

    We met snow on the drive home, and mountain tops are white in that part of the world.

    Tomorrow is garden clean up day. Hubby has convinced me to use the tractor, quad and trailer rather than walking and wheelbarrowing. That will be a first for me, but it will go much faster and be a little bit kinder to body parts. It looks like we have a weeks grace before lots of cold, so time to get as busy as one can get and wrap things up.

    I've sure missed the Stew. :) I'm looking forward to cooler calmer days and catching up.
    Pacnorwest, Sjoerd and Daniel W like this.
  2. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    Hi Netty. :) I'm pulling my corn stalks tomorrow and was just going to dispose of them. They've been hit quite hard with frost and are yellow. Can I ask how you use them to decorate? I do have some large posts and a big gate at the beginning of our driveway. might be fun :) It's not something I'm very good at. :rolleyes:
    Sjoerd and Pacnorwest like this.
  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Mind how you go with all that work. Making folks happy with your veg and fruit is such a good feeling.
    It sounds like you did alright this year. Chapeau.
    Melody Mc. and Pacnorwest like this.
  4. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    Today I made a batch of dog food (am).

    Then a batch of deviled eggs. I steam the eggs instead of boil them. I forgot them and the water boiled off. Fortunately I was by myself so nobody found out, and some steel wool shined up the pan nicely. The eggs were good, anyway.

    Then I made a bean dish for supper. White beans with a garlic tomato sauce, I added onions and green pepper, topped with Mozzarella and baked hot. I also added shredded Parmesan. And a bit of Chili Crisp sauce (I love that stuff). It came out really good. It's supposed to evoke pizza, with the gooey mozzarella topping.


    My favorite brand of Crispy Chili sauce. I've always called it the "Grouchy lady" sauce because she does look a bit grouchy, to me.


    But it's quite expensive unless I drive an hour across town to the Asian market. This one is a bargain, and also fills the need.


    Trader Joes also has its own brand. Not nearly as good.
    Sjoerd, Melody Mc. and Pacnorwest like this.

  5. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Good you saved the boiled pan. I have done that more than I can count. And had to throw the pans out….i’ve learned to bring the water to a boil with the eggs in the pan, then take the pan off the heat place the lid on for 15 minutes and works better than a timer alert that I seem to never hear .
    Then again remember not to put a paper plate in the microwave to warm up food. Actually had a fire inside the microwave. That was a first I’m sorry to say. So all went into the trash again.

    By the way your bean recipe looks delish. Thanks for sharing some fav spices and ‘ grouchy lady’ sauce.

    I made fresh green beans cooked with bacon pieces and onions. Then pan fried with garlic, spiced pepper, lemon juice, almonds, Italian bread crumbs with melted pepper Jack cheese. Just messin around with different spicy recipes. Turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself..
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2024
    Sjoerd, Melody Mc. and Daniel W like this.
  6. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    I'll keep a look out for that sauce through my underground network ( aka a daughter in a large city Alberta and a son in Vancouver) haha You peaked Hubbies interest Daniel. Your bean dish looks delish. I've written that down on my list of things to try this winter.

    Pac your dishes are always so fresh and creative. :)

    We have had a lot of cool wet weather the last few days. It's hovering above freezing, but all of the rain is falling as white stuff in the mountains. The fall "to do" list has been condensed and modified to include leaving much of the garden as is until either it warms up or spring...which ever comes first. ;-) It feels like it might be spring. Mother Natures way of telling me to not overdo this fall.

    Yesterday I processed all of the remaining leeks. A large dish of Leek and bacon au gratin, some leek and potato soup, and the remaining 12 zucchinis in the fridge were shredded and turned into leek zucchini latkes. All were portioned and tucked away in the freezer to enjoy another day. The kitchen was humming from 7 am until 2 pm, by the time the two gridles and all of the dishes were washed. Today I'll take a small stab at some squash and put away yesterday's dishes - then see about hopefully being outside for the afternoon.
    Sjoerd and Pacnorwest like this.
  7. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Daniel—That all looks delicious. Yummy!
    It makes me think that it is getting to be time to make our winter chilli. Cheers for the tip, mate.
    Daniel W and Pacnorwest like this.
  8. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Melody you have had a lot of veggies to process this year from the pics of your garden you must have enough frozen foods for most of the winter and then some.

    Cool weather here too. Our weather has turned very cool. I am up 750’ higher than Portland. This landscape is a spot where we are surrounded 3/4 by mountains and valley’s in the shape of a banana. So we live in what is called the banana belt. Very extreme weather conditions. We had a light frost this am. I was out picking off frost from the steering wheel of the big garden tractor.

    Time to change the oil on both tractors. But not today it’s too cold .
    We are at 53F and I’m afraid the older I get the less tolerant I am to cold weather.

    Mt. Bachelor in Oregon is a ski resort has already reported their first snowfall of the season last August 23, 2024. The resort has received just a few inches so far, but more snow is expected today and tonight as temperatures remain unseasonably cold. I can feel the temp drop here the past few days as trees and shrubs are taunting me with the gorgeous autumn color change . I am eagerly awaiting full Autumn colors to cloke the mountains surrounding the pastures . This is my favorite time of year with a nice birds-eye view from the height of the mountain ridge peeking down at the autumn colorful canyons below.
    Melody Mc. and Sjoerd like this.
  9. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Saturday morning all. Currently just 4°C and sunny. Brrr, went for my dogwalk in a hoody, leggings and crocs and now I'm freezing! Hoping this coffee warms me up!
    This week was crazy busy! I'm in the beginnings of closing down the work gardens, but having to keep the place looking good for upcoming weddings. Started putting out the fall decorations on Monday, and did a little each day. Next week I'll put out the finishing touches. We were also back to the rink Tuesday-Thursday. Next week is full on back to the rink Monday-Saturday, as well as full on fall cleanup at work. I'll be sleeping well! I am so looking forward to being done at work for the season and getting my house back in order and spending time with my puppy.
    Don't throw those stalks out Mel! Around here people are selling their corn stalks anywhere betweek $1-$4 EACH for decorating!
    I use them on pillars, gates, and just bundled up leaning into corners and in containers. Add a few Mums and some pumpkins and gourds, maybe even a straw bale and you've got yourself a fall display!
    Have a great day all :)
    Melody Mc., Sjoerd and Pacnorwest like this.
  10. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Mel— Do you have a pic of your leeks?
    Melody Mc. and Pacnorwest like this.
  11. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    The news on college football had a story about this college sporting this pic of theirGopher mascot.
    Does anyone else find this funny.. ? Or Not… ?
    The Gopher athletes… and Gopher fans… Go-pher-it ! A legendary chant !
    I’m speechless……:eek::rolleyes:
  12. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    We went to the movie, "Megalopolis". Hmmmm. Interesting. I never figured out what it was about. Written and produced by Francis Ford Coppola, who was also the director for Apocalypse Now, way back when. Recalling that movie, I think it was just as "trippy" .

    Nothing going on in garden. This week I started "editing" the orchard. It will have several fewer fruit trees, easier to maintain. I don't need so much fruit, and it's too much of a chore now.

    An offer was made on the in-law house. It's
    contingent on the buyers selling their current house, so it could easily fall through. But it gives me some hope of moving on. The house has an unusual format, so I've been concerned. I hope this buyer goes through with it. A lot less hassle, ongoing maintenance, cost, etc.
    Melody Mc. and Pacnorwest like this.
  13. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    Happy crisp and cool Friday. :) We've had a busy four days, and are glad for things to slow down a bit.

    It cleared off last night and dropped to -4 C. Hubby and I had our winter coats on last night and a quilt, so that we could sit outside and watch the northern lights. Angus wasn't sure what to make of them and barked up a fuss at the dancing lights in the sky. ( he sometimes barks and chases satellites, and will chase a flying raven and be somehow pleased with himself when it lands in a tree.....what a loon. :rolleyes: ) The fire has been going every day for the last two weeks and the house is slowly warming up right now.

    We have four days left before the much cooler weather comes. Everything except the corn was removed from the lower garden yesterday. Today the corn and chipmunk sunflowers will come out. I'll use the tractor to haul gravel for some driveway repair and to turn over the compost. I'll soon have to order another dump truck load of gravel from the neighbour. It's time to also bring some buckets of sand up to the porch for the winter.

    Hubby and I are going for the last firewood walk of the season. There has been a lot of wind so we will look for some easy to access dry pine blowdowns that he can pull out with the quad or tractor. We will pick out our Christmas tree at the same time and ribbon it. That way when there is so much snow that it hides the trees, we know where to go.

    @Pacnorwest - your view sounds lovely. We primarily only get yellow leaves with the exception of some dogwood underbrush. My maple and my Virginia Creeper don't get a chance to turn red before frost takes their leaves, which is too bad. I envy your view of reds, and oranges included with the yellows.

    @Sjoerd - I'm afraid that I didn't think to take a photo of the leeks until they were already chopped up. It was a good harvest this year, but with the extreme temp fluctuations I did have an issue with some of them beginning to bolt. That hasn't happened before. I'm going to move them next year so that their watering can be more consistent. They weren't as large as they usually get as well.

    @Netty - That is crazy that people buy corn stalks hahaha. Makes sense though. Thank you for the suggestions. I didn't get around to pulling them, so today they will come out. They're looking kinda sad with so many freezes. I'll leave some at the gate today. :)

    @Daniel W - I hope the house sells for you soon. :)
    Pacnorwest likes this.
  14. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Friday afternoon all. Currently 18°C and cloudy. Theres a nice wind today too, and that might help get some of these leaves down.
    Another busy week over, and now I'm home for the long weekend. We are at the rink tonight and tomorrow morning, and then Sunday is our family Thanksgiving dinner. So excited to see the kids and eat turkey! haha
    *forgot to push 'post reply' yesterday so the rest of this post is Saturday*
    We were at the rink until noon, then I got the grass cut and the garden cleared out at the end of the driveway, then cut the grass in the garden. Now I'm going to bake a chocolate, gluten, soy and dairy free cake for the grandkids dessert tomorrow. Another day almost gone!
    Have a great day all :)
    Sjoerd and Pacnorwest like this.
  15. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Good Sunday morning all, and Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians here! Currently 7°C and overcast with rain in the forecast.
    I was up early getting things prepared for a big Turkey dinner, so excited to have the family all together as its been a while!
    Have a great day all :)
    Sjoerd and Pacnorwest like this.

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