I'm either as i've had cats and dogs but since losing my Staffy Bruno never again, the homes never felt the same.
Dog or cat people? Yes, we are both. We are softies for almost any four footed mammal, but after two darling dogs and a bunch of cats that we adored, I can't say which we preferred. However, we trained the dogs and the cats trained us.
I have 3 cats, but I'm allergic to them. So I keep them at a distance. They're my boys' emotional support animals. I'm definitely a dog person, as I have 9 of them 1 Dachsy/pug mix and a whole pack of huskies. I love them so much, they have the greatest personalities!!
I thought I had a zoo to take care off every day with lots of recycled food to clean up around the doggie yards . Hope you have a big yard. I just missed one doggie pile while mowing just hate smooching in on the tractor tires takes forever…. We have 5 dogs , 3 horses and two cats. That’s a lot of recycled hay to compost and doggie doo..just bury it… On the bright side.. And horses…
Right now all I have is my Dachsound x Mini Schnauzer Rags. She doesn't like gardening. She likes the couch !! I love every animal there is. I've had dogs, cats, horses, goats, birds, turtles, etc. Ahhhh, no, I'm not obsessive, obsessive, obsessive !! I draw the line with venomous animals or those out to eat me, though. I did scare off a pack of 6 year old children when I was 3 and had my arms covered with baby grass snakes.
Ah, another I love animals person (the best kind!). We've had dogs and cats, and currently are ruled by a cat. I like snakes, the non-venomous ones. Around here people are terrified of snakes and kill them if they can. If they can't they run screaming. Idiots! Frogs are nice, too. Sitting on the patio at sundown and hearing the frogs down by the pond is such a pleasure. We feed wild birds, and have a small flock of chickens that are pets with benefits--eggs. What would we do without our wild and tame life?
Love them all, but these little ones have always been my passion. All were rescues needing care before finding their own forever homes - these are just four of the ones I fostered. Henry - on the far right hand side was the one I just HAD to keep. He was the most gentle and friendly little chap, and had been very badly treated by a load of gypsies. It took him a long time to recover. He was a joy. I miss him. I managed to re-home thirty all together.