All my dogs, cats, horses were all rescues. All had a different story to tell. Mostly parents broke up or moved away. Some lost from an evacuation due to a near by wildfire a few years ago. I have never had a difficult animal always worth the effort and passion for training. They are all our furry angles , never a dull moment and the love is unconditional. They train me more than I train them…
I couldn't agree more Pac. I wish I could still take in more animals, but unfortunately my health situation won't allow that now. I miss them all. Actually JD in spite of their reputation as yappy small dogs, mine always seemed too busy with their interactions and games than yapping at the postman etc..... I love that photo - and Pac's one as well.
Tetters… very sorry to hear of health issues and it can really take a toll on our aging lives. I totally get the health issue. Trying to keep up is a daily accomplishment for me too. Animals and daily gardening help keep me from languishing in my rocker. Even though my bones creak and complain. Keep it Movin is my Motto… no matter how pokey…just knowing my limitations is helpful. Sending blessings your way. Are we here for the animals …OR…Are the animals here for the homosapien’s ?
WHAT a good question!!!! Animals positively shine in a sad world full of meagre people in my opinion. I do try hard to keep moving, and it's always the garden (or next door's cat, or visiting dogs and birds) that provide incentive. Keep smiling!