Yes. Down here in "Sauna-land" it is very hot and humid June through August and the roses stop blooming. They start early, rest, then start again in fall to frost.
Oops Daniel and Annie, yet another senior moment, I thought you meant our white violets - that will teach me to pay more attention to details.
We did have one hotter day a few days ago though - it shot right up to 14C - or about 57F. I even considered taking my jumper off.
In my younger days, I rode my motorcycle down to Florida and I stopped at a store in the panhandle. I guess not far from where you are Annie. And was it HOT ??!! I know Jersey gets its brutal days in the Summer, but my goodness, I could not believe people actually survived in that heat. And over 50 years ago at the time, it was "country"....I mean no offense to anyone, but it was "redneck country". Like "dueling banjo's country" But thats another story. But I guess its worth it during the winter....but still. People always tell me they're gonna go retire in Florida, or Texas...I just say "good luck!!" But its the opposite in like Wisconson where one of my daughters live. Gets to minus 30 degrees in Winter. I say the same the hell do people live there ?? But I'm rambling, I'll get back to sitting in the yard in the 60 degree F weather and drink my beer.
It still is redneck country !! Guys chewing "tabaccy", spitting, calling potatoes "Taters", calling Petunias "Toonyerz", and they are all into your "bitnez" , as they say. My X German sister--law asked me what "bitnez" was?
Daniel and Loggie— looking very, very good. I really like Daffs. Annie— Your blooms are so happy-looking.
Chortle. BTW— tell me about that black strip at the bottom of the chain-link fence. Against critter interlopers?
That's to keep the weeds from growing into the garden beds. It keeps most of it at bay but some things find their way in anyway. It's 5" tall and comes in 40' rolls.
I put it about 3-4" down but it varies because sometimes I dig too deeply and it sinks too low. Then weeds come over the top and crawl in !!
Old fashioned forsythia. Twentyfive years ago, I was out walking my dog and noted a neighbor had cut down their old, rangy forsythia bush. They hadn't cleaned up all of the mess. I picked a stick up from the street. Took it home, rooted it, and here we are. Around five years ago, I started more from this bush, for a fence row hedge. Not all due well - competition by fig trees. But here are some.