Yesterday I cleared a bit of the front bed of weeds (I'm fighting chickweed, white clover, and sheep sorrel) and transplanted a few volunteer...
I actually got some weeding done today. It rained yesterday and this morning, so the ground is nice and soft. But I'm exhaustipated now haha
Its 72º today, so I have most of the house windows open to air out the winter stank haha Occasionally I get a bit of energy, so I've been moving...
I like 70% dark choccy. Its about as dark as I can stand. I tried 90% once. No thank you!
Hah. I put out a fresh bowl of water every morning for our stray/outdoor kitties. And they still prefer to drink the water that collects on top of...
Pizza! :D
On Monday the roommates daughter was sent home from school because she was contact traced (in close proximity to someone with Covid). Yesterday,...
Today the bf and I took the roommates kids (11 yr old boy and 13 - almost 14 - yr old girl) to the 4H fair. I'm exhaustipated!
I'll try to describe the after... I tied up the 2 canes of the climbing rose in a sort of heart shape over the top of the trellis. Removed the sad...
Yesterday the bf and I went to his sister's house. He went to take care of her cat (she's out of town and he cat needs meds) and I took care of a...
Tiger passed away today, at 13 yrs old. He had diabetes the last 3 months, and it never got better. He lost weight so rapidly, he's nearly skin...
Did a bit of weeding during my lunch hour today. The side bed really needs it, but with the shade and the wind, it was cold!
Well, I just had my day made! Every day I watch a live safari stream from South Africa (WildEarth if anyone is interested, they stream on their...
Last night I had pancakes. The roomie made broccoli cheddar soup, but it was pre-made, and the best by date was 2019 (it's been frozen since then,...
Hedgehogs are so cute! Kinda wish we had them here, but we also have feral kitties who might like a "spicy" (prickly haha) snack
My current phone I've had for just a few months. I wanted more memory. It only cost about $150
It's been rainy lately, so havent got much done besides a bit of weeding. Tons of weeds!
My uncle also recently upgraded his phone. He isn't big on texting, and doesnt like technology taking over our lives. I'm the opposite, I love my...
I LOVE Pentatonix. I just found this song they covered a few days ago, and I'm obsessed with it :D [MEDIA]
Sjoerd, My bf and I, and his family, are planning to travel to Amsterdam, then on to Denmark and Norway at this time next year. I hope I get to...
Separate names with a comma.