H-40F, L-30F sunny day .
Orieti it sounds like you had a lot of unfortunate damage from the storm. It’s a lot to clean up . Garden clean up never stops even in winter...
Lookin great Daniel. You’ll be up to your eyeballs in apples next season. :rofl: Oreti sounds like you earned a good day out for lunch. Not...
Daniel You’re very welcome . Apples have a huge history of crosses and types and a lot of literature about so many varieties. Reading about apples...
Netty I swear those plastic containers breed in the cubbords. Been slowly clearing out stuff little by little working my way from room to room...
Daniel you got a lot done today. Apple trees look great along with all your efforts to maintain the soil levels and I had a little chuckle hearing...
Sjoerd Now that’s a picture perfect area to live. Even surrounded with trees in fall color. Looks tranquil and beautiful. :smt023
Just curious : Can you treat the seeds with powder for virus? If not use sterile soil by heating to high temps to kill resistant pathogens/...
Daniel No problemo posting hens, we luv ya anyway. Night crawlers are huge here too. Great for stream fishing. :)
Awww Thank you Sjoerd. What a nice comment..”Wagons Ho !” :) Made me chuckle.
Looking foreword to watching your progress with next seasons plantlets. Hoping the seeds are treated with TSP for the virus’ they are vulnerable ....
Very intricate design and thinking ahead to plan for flooding in the future. Trivia : to check in the very back for the vertical white spot of...
Where’s his Santa hat ? Aww cute vid. :smt045
Wind storms can wreak havoc over everything and anything that’s not secured in place. Blow over huge tree cause power outages . The day after can...
Thank you all for your kind words and votes for the Maple tree smiling even a bigger smile to learn it’s the in best autumn form and color for...
@Oreti still stuck with language difference. Lobby = sun room or entry to home? Lobby here = the ground floor in a Hotel where service desk is...
Separate names with a comma.