Is the stalk still mostly attached? If so, just stand it back up so that the break is closed and stake the stalk...then keep it well watered and...
I love that sundial! What variety of tomatoes are you growing?
Thank you, dooley. I certainly have it staked now and will be caging it after I get to the store for supplies.
As its branches grew heavy with little bunches of green globes, I neglected to take into account exactly how much weight those branches could...
Netty, we've got an insanely long growing season here in south Texas. Winter is extremely short and mild, which is great for gardening :D
Another Texan! Welcome :)
Beef enchiladas, no doubt. Nothing from the garden, but delicious nonetheless.
I've been itching to try asparagus. Perhaps I'll try it this way. Thanks for the recipe!
My daughter and I ate our first home grown cherry tomato yesterday. It was deliciously sweet and juicy! My plant is loaded with clusters of...
Thank you both! I'll look into muscadines. The Rio Grande Valley is actually closer to zone 10, but if Henry can grow them in Florida, there may...
Has anyone had any luck growing grapes or any sort of berries outside of their recommended hardiness zones? I'm in zone 9a, and I've always seen...
I don't know what they are but I LOVE them!
How neat! I've got some hanging tomatoes as well, though I'm growing mine in bags. If bags don't work well for me I'll be trying buckets next year!
I've got to get all of my seedlings into the ground and resist the urge to plant more seeds! Either that or work on cleaning up the back yard so...
My pepper seeds took the longest of everything I planted to sprout, but they only took about a month and a half. When they finally did sprout...
I was out watering with my 2-year-old daughter the day before yesterday. She was helping me count the new tomatoes on my plant (15, by the way),...
Eileen, thanks for the feed suggestion. I'll look for it in stores! GardenStew, I'm hoping for many, many more tomatoes as well!
[img] I was out watering after work the other day and discovered my first tomato ever (!) growing on my cherry tomato plant. I have a tomato!...
Hi! My name is Monica, I'm fairly new to gardening and looking forward to learning more and getting to know all of you wonderful people :-D
Separate names with a comma.