Thanks for the input. It is mid sixties today and finally dried out. I am mowing, raking.. the works to winterize for next spring. I had to laugh...
Hi All, So we got six inches of snow this weekend, I needed to mow too. We should have a few days of warmer (50-60s) weather before the cold sets...
Thanks, guess they are going in the freezer for salsa canning in the fall. Thankfully the hot weather is back for a few weeks.
Anyone have any input as to why my romas are mushy? I picked my first batch this week and straight out of the garden they were mushy, not very...
hmmm made lots of bread yesterday, mostly just freezing for soups this winter and doing a little pan frying this week. Watermelon, warm fresh...
Amazingly we are nearing the end of season here in Wyoming. It was a cold and rainy spring followed by a hot and dry 60 days. It is already...
Update on my Zucchini pruning For anyone that is searching for info on pruning zukes, it went great, the tip rot went away on all of the new...
Thanks Gardenmama, You were one of the posts that made me decide to take the plunge when I was reading earlier! Though those big tube stems look...
I have been reading up on to prune or not to prune one of my zucchini squash for the last few days. Seems I couldn't find a straight answer so for...
soap for bugs too? I had read somewhere that soap is good for animal pests like rabbits and squirrels, I have two dobermans and an eight foot...
I wrote in earlier this spring about starting a garden in a back yard that hadn't been touched since the 80's. Thanks for the great suggestions!...
So, we have moved into a 115 year old house and lot that finally has a "dog free" zone. Finally my two 80lb dobermans have another spot to destroy...
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