bare w / me please i keep pulling what i think is grass, out of my garden..though there are bulbs should i be waiting for flowers ???
I would wait and see if any of the 'grass' shows signs of flowering before pulling it up dorydog. If you are unsure just what is growing then you could always take a photograph of it and post it here as our members could probably tell you what it is you have growing.
As Eileen said dorydog it is very useful if we have a photo to work from. You can learn how to post photos here: Welcome to GardenStew.
I'd wait and see if it blooms first, especially if you are new to the property and haven't seen it in springtime before. I have tons of 'thick grass' coming up in my yard right now that I know are in fact bluebells, for instance. ;-) Welcome, tell us some more about what you have going.
about the bulbs thanx for the input all the bulbs are no bigger then a nickel ,,most closer to a dime size, the grass in varying shapes ,,some blades flatter, wider, some almost curled enuff to look hollow... i had built a BIG ol flower box in the front yard ..7 yards of soil,,,plant a variety of flowers ea spring and have some annuals as well ....the old area had all sorts of items as it had been the dumping ground for everything i hadn't been able to thhrow away when i completely re-did the lawn, guess i 'll let em all grow,,, just didn want them to "choke" my flowers :-?
Does the grass look like this? My crocus look like grass when they start to come up. Unfortunately they are not coming up this year. I've lost them to the winter yet again I suspect.