We here have been experiencing some serious weather here. We have had almost hurricane-like wind with rain and ice-rain. There was a code red in our part of the country and code orange in the rest. We were all told to stay indoors. Of course there were those who would complain about having their freedom limited....and Darwin was quick to act. Sadly we have had three deaths so far and an enormous amount of trees blown over and structural damage to buildings large and small. Some of the boats in the harbour below have sail and mast damage. Wind speeds above 100km/h were relentless, it just went on, and on, and on, and on all through the day and night. I will show some mild piccies: It is going to take some time to clean all this up, but as bad as it was...as the wind roared through the night and destroyed things in the town and in our park, no electricity lines went down because they are all underground, so that was a blessing. I got an sms from the gardening neighbour lady and she reported that we had no garden (shed) damage, but the house across from us had its roof blown off. We were lucky. Here, one final short vid to watch and listen to. Amazing, this:
That looks very bad Sjeord and glad that you are ok, we had red warnings here yesterday for the coast of Wales and for the south east, the rest was amber warning which is still bad but for us in the west midlands wasn't as bad as they said it was going to be.
Mercifully it was less bad there, over here it is so flat that the wind just has its way with our landscape. There isn’t much to break the wind as it blows.
You were in my thoughts, @Sjoerd, and the Irish, English, Belgians, and Germans too. I haven't read so much news in English for a long time as I did this morning. The force of nature is not to be taken lightly. Retribution might be swift and merciless. That video was scary to say the least. Why do people insist on going out in severe weather? I can never figure out who some have this urge to challenge the weather.
Sjoerd, I'm so happy to hear you had minimal damage. I hope that this is the last big event in Europe for the season. Droopy, there is a comedian here who commented it is not "that the wind blows, but what the wind blows. If you do 90 pushups a day and then tie yourself to a tree to defy the elements because you are strong, a wind-blown Volvo still wins." Here in Texas we call it "culling the herd" or as Sjoerd said, the Darwin effect.
It has been awful here in Kent, and hit us like a bullet before going on to your place Sjoerd. Zigs has been trying to salvage the roof of his building where the new cactus house is, but the majority of it landed in the next door garden where it smashed up the neighbours fruit cages. It's going to cost us a new roof
Here in Eltham, not that far from Tetters & Zigs. Yes the wind was very strong.However the 1987 hurrican to me was worse. I remember looking out of the window and seeing a dustbin going at high speed up the road. I believe a tree came down in the park opposite. Down in the New Forest, some stands of trees fell victim. Sad and beneficial results. The canopy was opened up, and the following spring came in with such a wonderful display of to us, alpine plants. Now today. I have watch a conifer in my garden grow since the 1960's. WOW, it was a sight to see during these winds. It will break my heart, but I am off to the council offices on Monday. Time my beloved tree came down.
Tetters—Sorry to hear about the cactus house roof. Gad! I saw on the news this evening that we can expect more wind force 11 winds in the coming week. Dear, oh dear. I hope that he can get that roof sorted, but it is short notice. Sorry to hear about that tree of your’s. That will be painful.
Sorry for the damage people suffered. Like Logan we had none of the wind that others have experienced.
This foto appeared in the paper today. It is a little grassy and tree area at the harbour entrance. Two very old trees succumbed to the wind. Luckily no-one was injured because it is a commonly used place for walking dogs. We frequently walk there along the old sea wall too. The Bride paced an arrow to our apartment in the upper right hand corner. It is behind that vertical brown stumpy-looking thing. We were surprised that we did not see it happen.
Wow. This damage is awful. I'm glad your shed has survived Sjoerd. So sorry Tetters that your cactus roof was not so lucky. Glad you all are safe.