It's been cold and drizzly here all day so I made a big ol pot of cheddar, ham and potato soup. Man it hit the spot and warmed me to my toes!
Stop teasing us! Post your recipe on the recipe forum, please. It doesn't get cold often here in Texas, but I could turn on the AC and enjoy a bowl of that soup!
Capt, another great cold weather meal is Chinese Steam Boat. Frank posted his pleasant encounter with steamboat not long ago and I cannot find the posting but only the photos. Try it and I am sure you will like it. :-D
I've never made that, but it sure sounds good. I'm sure glad it hit the spot. It is colder down here in the Houston, TX tonight and I sure could have used the recipe. Hint! Hint!
Capt, from someone who will be soon again tasting the delights of heavy, rich Irish food I must make it known that this teasing is making the wait quite unpleasant
It is very good, I made it the first time right after Capt posted the recipe and have several times since then. We like it as is, no meat added except for sometimes a little crisp, crumbled bacon. His recipe is Here