I watched the Superbowl on TV the other week-end. Like most sports bodies the NFL have lately been concerned with concussive injuries during a game. In the event of such an accident during play. The player is taken off, sometimes on a buggy and taken to the "blue tent" on the sidelines. It is collapsable and is raised when needed. In here the player can be examined in privacy by the medical staff with no distractions. They are used at all NFL games. But I'd suggest this isn't an entirely new innovation. On Monday I was watching the 1952 film Ivanhoe on TV. in a scene of a joust, Ivanhoe knocked an opposing knight off his horse, injuring him. The injured man was carried off the field and taken into a blue tent! That made me smile.
I also watched that showing of Ivanhoe. Strange isn't how our reactions are toward films, stories etc from the past. As a kid. I remember going just once to Saturday morning pictures. Even in those days, money was almost non - existant in my family. You were given often three films. Mostly cowboys and indians or the Robin Hood type. On the way home. You suddenly became the hero. Even all these years later, viewing suchlike films similar inward feelings come to the fore.
I remember the Ivanhoe film with Elizabeth Taylor... I never got a blue tent when I had a concussion last May but I did not call the ambulance, nor for my other head injuries.
I used to go to Saturday morning pictures. we kids were so gullible. There was always a serial, with a "cliffhanger," where say, you actually see the hero fall off a cliff, but in the episode the following week the serial starts with the sight of the hero clinging to the top of the cliff.