Does anyone have one of these? Just wondering how quickly they are supposed to grow because I've had mine for about a year and a half now and it doesn't seem to have got any bigger! It is putting out little leaves and it flowered(not technically flowers) last year. It's just showing signs of it's funny little fruits again now. But I'm sure the caudex hasn't got any bigger since I got it.
OK, OK...I only have Dorstenia gigas left but they are both very slow growers. Dorstenia gigas I have had this one for 15 years ago. It was only one half inch and was $30.00. That was a very good price at the time.
Wow that is slow growing indeed! Well mine is healthy and is starting to fruit again so I shouldn't be to unhappy I suppose. Guess I'll just have to wait 20 years for some growth!