These were the favorites in my gardens from 2007. I was trying to pick my favorite 5 but had to settle for my favorite 15 LOL
All very beautiful. I wouldn't have been able to narrow it down to five either. And they are the colors that I would like in my garden as well
Very Pretty flowers. When there's so many pretty flowers and so many colors, its hard to narrow it down to just a few.
Oh boy Netty your photographs are fantastic. I can hardly wait for everything to bloom for me next year - especially after seeing your piccies. Thank you.
Awwwww Netty, your photos renew my faith that Spring is just around the corner and we will all have beautiful, bountiful blooms again.
I guess it's a little obvious what my favorite colors are! I'm getting spring fever just looking at all my photos. Anyone else have favorites from 2007?
Absolutely stunning. They are each and every one a jewel. You did really well in 2007, didn't you? Congrats. Really pretty flowers.
Beautiful flowers! I'm amazed that you managed to pick any favourites. When I browse through my flower photos I find that I like them all.
Those are so have some beautiful flowers...I just started growing delphiniums last summer and I love them. One of my favorites flowers is coreopsis but I have trouble growing them in this soil. At the last house with sandy soil they got huge...and I do miss how beautiful they are.