When I was at the Dollar Store this morning I bought some seeds. Last year they were ten paks for a dollar. They doubled in price. Now, they are five paks for a dollar. Cheap seeds anyway. I bought 20 paks, mixed flowers and vegetables. Now, I will need to clean out the wheelbarrow and plant the spinach. It can be covered if the temps dip at night. I, also, bought some starting mix and will start some eggplant and some flowers. They can go in the exercise room until we manage to get the greenhouse recovered. The sun rotted the plastic last summer. We enjoy the sun and warmth but somethings don't. Did I say no plans for today? Dooley
Last year the wheelbarrow started out with lettuce but the morning glories took over after the lettuce was harvested. I'm going to try to get all the morning glory seeds out before I put the spinach in it. That will be a task in itself. Dooley
Woohoo!! I am a wheelbarrow gardener too, Dooley! I just loved being able to move my little salad garden depending on the sun. I planted mine with several different lettuces, radicchio, chives, some parsley, basil and a couple of variegated nasturtiums. We had beautiful salads well into the summer, when the weather started to get hot, I just shifted the barrow to get bright light but less hot sun. When the lettuce was finally done, I just filled in with more herbs. I am definitely going to do this again this year!
For now, mine only got spinach. Lettuce, etc will come, maybe Friday when I'm off. Rain for Tues and Wed next week so maybe I can find another wheelbarrow. Dooley
Gardening in a wheelbarrow... Now that is just too cute! :-D I have an old wheelbarrow out back, I may just copy that idea if you don't mind. Very cute! Karen Marie
I need to plant some spinich.I want a wheel barrow but not to plant in it.I need something to move my compost with.
What a great idea! I would have to get another wheel barrow as I use mine a lot. The best deal on seeds I've found is 4 for $1.
Seeds and more seeds... :-D Hello gardeners, Depending on what you are looking for with regard to seeds, you might find the basics at a local dollar store. Hubby found seeds 10 for $1.00 today in a store called Dollar Tree. We also have $1.00 Shop and such with similar items. Perhaps there might be one of the chains in your area. By basics, I mean lettuce, radish, beans, beets, etc. Hope this helps, Karen Marie
I still just have flowers in my old wheel barrow. The purslane I planted in it several years ago comes back every year. I like having petunias in it and having them hang over the sides. Mine doesn't move since it is really pretty old. Glenda, keep an eye out for old but still usable kids red wagons. I found one last year that I use for moving the heavy things. I find pulling the wagon across the yard is much easier than pushing a wheel barrow.