Indoor Planting....

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Richie Cooper, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Richie Cooper

    Richie Cooper Seedling

    Jul 29, 2006
    Likes Received:
    New Paltz, New york
    Hello Everyone,
    I was wondering if there are any flowering plants that I can grow in a flower pot, indoors? I am stuck inside most of the winter and would like to try growing something that has some color to liven up my winters. Thanks for any help. :)
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  3. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Think about how much light you have. Things at the stores now in my location are north light violets, sunny window Christmas cactus, bright indirect light orchids. None of these like being over watered. Peace lilies seem to survive well and have bright white spaths. Can't over water these. Pick something that strikes your fancy. You learn a little something with every plant you grow. Have fun finding the "right" plant.
  4. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Cyclamen are usually long flowering and not especially difficult to care for. An even easier and longer flowering one is a kalanchoe. Usually you can find either one in a flower shop or even a retail greenhouse establishment.
  5. waretrop

    waretrop Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Oct 8, 2011
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    north eastern Pennsylvania
    Hi there Richie Cooper.

    You could also have an assorted geraniums. They could have different leaves and flower different colors.

  6. Richie Cooper

    Richie Cooper Seedling

    Jul 29, 2006
    Likes Received:
    New Paltz, New york
    THANK you all very much. I made up a list and will go shopping tomorrow. COOL!
    Thanks again, and may you all have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy and safe New Year. :-D
  7. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Opp, AL, 8b
    In addition to the great suggestions already, good ol' wax Begonias will bloom like crazy if they can get 3+ hours of direct sun.

    Anthurium have colorful red hoods around the flowers that look like the actual flower. They are no guaranteed at any time of year, but very long-lasting when one appears.

    Orchids and African violets could be ones to look at.

    In general, I like collecting plants with anything BUT plain green leaves. A wild mix of foliage can look every bit as pretty as flowers, with no down-time.

    Wildly decorated leaves like
    Tradescantia zebrina
    T. pallida
    -Begonias grown for their pretty leaves don't require as much sun as mentioned for getting the wax type to bloom.
    -So many succulents with tones of red, purple, orange, pink to their leaves.

    The flowers of this Peperomia (the white spiky things are the flowers) can't compare to its' leaves.
    Peperomia clusifolia 'Jellie' ( photo / image / picture from purpleinopp's Garden )

    Although this pic was taken to show a flower stalk, the leaves are the 'wow factor' of this plant.
    Ti plant (Cordyline fruticosa 'Red Sister') ( photo / image / picture from purpleinopp's Garden )

    Frog in pot of Hemigraphis ( photo / image / picture from purpleinopp's Garden )

    You can mix things up a bit to make the various colors pop out from each other.

    Globe basil, various Tradescantias, Callisia. ( photo / image / picture from purpleinopp's Garden )

    The new leaves on the reddish Philo are as pretty as flowers to me.

    Various Philodendrons, and Scindapsus ( photo / image / picture from purpleinopp's Garden )
  8. gardennut

    gardennut Seedling

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Ohio-zone 6

    I have several plants that probably should be outside now but can't be because of the squirrels, I have 2 Amaryllis, 2 Moonvines, several Morning glories in a pot, a Mother-in-law's tongue which sits on the top shelf of the computer desk and gets watered when I remember it, it is pretty forgiving. It has verigated stripes on the leaves and sometimes it has white flowers although mine has never flowered yet. If you don't have sufficent light from a window, try to find a flourescent lamp and put your plants under it, when I try to grow or regrow plants, I put them under it until I am sure they can go into the picture window. It gets morning sun and afternoon shade. But the lamp helps especially in the winter when there is no sun and the picture window is too cold, the lamp helps and does not burn the plants. Just thought I would try to help out by suggesting some plants that some people think can't grow inside the house.

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