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OK,, I am curious !

Discussion in 'Recipes and Cooking' started by mart, Mar 10, 2022.

  1. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    With all the supply chain issues and the problems in the world,, How many are stockpiling food ?
  2. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Mart, that is a good question. I always have extra unbleached flour, about 15 pounds on hand, because I wake up in the night worrying about running out of flour for baking breads. When I find something I like or need, instead of buying one, I buy two. Is that stockpiling?
    Thank heavens we can grow much of our food ourselves. Those who can't, I don't know what they do or plan to do. I don't think things like the supply chain nor the world issues will improve soon. I'll just try to keep feeding whomever I can, and make sure the chickens, wild birds, cats, and my husband (not necessarily in that order) have food.
    Melody Mc. and eileen like this.
  3. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    I've always kept a stocked pantry - not only because I cook from scratch, but also because I was raised by WW2 survivors.
    I also have a large garden and 'put up' all the food I grow, I have for years. I do this because I like to know what is in the food I feed my family.
    I definitely wouldn't call it stockpiling.
    Melody Mc. and marlingardener like this.
  4. Melody Mc.

    Melody Mc. Young Pine

    Feb 4, 2022
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    Brisith Columbia, Canada
    I am much in line with Netty and marlingardner. I suspect, compared to someone in my area that lives closer to a main center, what I do could be considered stockpiling to them???? But it's a practice I've followed for 25 years, as well as others who live in this location. Case lot sales are always a big excitement. Trips to the city for my husband's medical appointments include a trip to big box grocery stores for items that are hard to find or very expensive where I live, so more than one is purchased. If there's isn't much on the shelf though I only take one or if I don't "need it" I don't take any. I think for myslef it's also lifestyle and because I cannot simply go to the store when I run out of something.

    We've always been as self sustained as possible. The shortages that we had due to COVID did not impact us quite as hard as others because of this. The forest fires that had us cut off for close to a month were managed. And then the floods that cut off supply chains to my part of the province for quite a long time were managed as well. Sadly many others stuggled.

    I have a wheat allergy and make my own wheat free flour blend. I do stock pile those multiple ingrediants as they are very hard to source where I live.

    Having said all of that - two funny points. A neighbour who lives in the city now for the last six years, jokes that he still has the remote living shopping urge ( pre covid) when it comes to TP. He buys the giant packs, and his neighbours in his assisted living complex know who to call if in need. :) Another person who moved up this way from the city not too many years ago, drove to town the early morning after the washouts and fought crowds to "stockpile". Including buying a giant sack of potatoes from a tiny grocery that used the sack to stock their shelves. There is one person living there. I think that would be stockpiling/panic buying, and I'm sure some of the potatoes have gone bad or to seed now.

    An interesting point to ponder, is that like my neighbour in the city now and ourselves...we share. When the disasters happened we conacted neighbours and told them what we had available to share if they were stuck. Others did the same.The Potato person....does not share. They covet. Perhaps that is a difference also?

    The situation in the world this last while probably has many of us asking the stockpiling question of ourselves Mart. And it is a good question to ask, for sure.
    eileen and marlingardener like this.

  5. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Melody, sharing! Yes, helping people who are running low or are out of necessities not only relieves a need, it relieves the heart. Just knowing that someone is able and willing to help is so comforting.
    Good on you for contacting neighbors and telling them what you could share! More folks like you would make this world a better place, and a lot more friendly.
  6. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    For a long time we've bought a lot of toilet paper, tins of fruit that we use. Cereal like shredded wheat, porridge oats, oatbran and muesli, ground flaxseed that we have with the cereal. Bisto gravy powder, kitchen towel paper, handwash, washing up liquid, tins of baked beans, orange juice, pineapple juice, brown sauce, tomato ketchup, fruity brown sauce, tins of sweetcorn, tins of tomatoes. When our neighbour ran out of flour and she couldn't get any, we gave her a 3lb bag of self raising flour.
    Melody Mc. likes this.
  7. harrylee

    harrylee Seedling

    Dec 28, 2021
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    Ontario, Canada
    We kind of do, but mostly because something is on sale. Like yesterday, I bought 6 jars of spaghetti sauce because it was 1/2 price.
    Melody Mc. and Logan like this.
  8. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Reason I asked was because I came through town a few days ago and was shocked at the line of cars even down the road at McD`d ! Don`t people cook anymore ? I can probably last 6 months with the exception of eggs,milk sandwich bread ect ! I look at the size of people here and can guess where they are eating meals !
    Besides I like my food better ! A hamburger once a week or so is not bad but everyday with a family hits the checkbook pretty bad when you put a pencil to it ! I don`t have to watch the budget but I do anyway !
    Logan likes this.
  9. Odif

    Odif Young Pine

    May 2, 2017
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    pyrenees orientales
    You are what you eat, drink, breathe and think. I firmly believe this is the key to health.
    Logan likes this.
  10. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    I know I am older but does anyone carry a lunch from home anymore ? I hear people complain about the price of things but they do nothing to help the situation ! I would bet 90% of the people in our town would not be able to last two weeks if that long should something happen ! And the world situation does not look good now ! Plan ahead is something only old people do!
    Logan likes this.
  11. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Mart, since my husband retired, we eat all our meals at home (due to a lack of decent restaurants). We do plan ahead, and freeze and can vegetables. The only things we would not be able to last for two weeks is cat food and chicken feed!
    When dropping off things at the local food pantry, I talk to some of the clients, and I have found that planning ahead for them means tomorrow's meals for the family. They are in apartments with no place to plant, or are too elderly or infirm to manage a garden. It's heartbreaking what some folks go through, and how insecure they are with food supplies.
    Logan likes this.
  12. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    I am not referring to those who literally can`t do more like the elderly and those with health problems ect ! I am talking about healthy working people ! Maybe they are being paid much better than I think they are ! But even if so,, why spend it on a double cheeseburger and then complain about food costs ! Some people literally live day by day !
    marlingardener and Logan like this.
  13. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    We buy in bulk and always have, but when the pandemic hit we did stock up a bit more. I am immune compromised and can't risk too much contact in stores. Sometimes it's a challenge feeling safe. We didn't overdo it, just some extra frozen veggies, flour, rice, some snack products. Last summer I canned enough fruit and froze enough of some veggies for a nine to 12 month supply. That wasn't to stock up, it was so we could have fresh, home grown, no additive, no pesticide food from our own garden. Plus I feel bad if it goes to waste. Our hens supply eggs, and the apples and squashes from the garden lasted the winter. We still have some squashes that are still good. Garden potatoes lasted half the winter.

    I did plan ahead somewhat with seeds, which I mostly bought late fall. But there too, about half of our veggies are home saved seeds.

    As for TP, we bought a toilet seat bidet. It turned out we like it a lot more than toilet paper and in the long run, it might save us money. Plus it's less TP going into our septic system. (I hope that's not TMI).
    eileen and Logan like this.
  14. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Ha ! I will stick with plain old TP !!
    Logan likes this.

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