I read an article that said many websites had less participation because members were using "social media" sites. They preferred to talk to people they "knew". I don't think that applies to the Stew. I'm on two other forums, and they have slowed down noticeably. But the Stew just keeps on getting better and better, new members, new questions, lots of answers, and love those photos! Is it because on the Stew, we "know" each other, and welcome new members with open arms and a ton of questions?
Jane, I come here most often, I don't do facebook or other social media...no time for it. I can come here ask/answer a question and go away to do what I need to get done and when I come back, so has everyone else. works for me. AND the people on here are the greatest. A few others I have been on some people are down right rude/mouthy/sarcastic etc. Not everybody, but those who do it are the same ones all the time and I feel so little/embarrassed if they don't like someone else's post. I honestly can't fathom what these people are like to live with. whatever, I don't need it. I appreciate the cleanness of this site. Nothing here I would feel my children or others ought not to see/read. THANKS FRANK!
I don't do social media sites either - simply can't be bothered with them. This is 'home' to me and has been from the very start. We do our best to make sure that there is nothing unpleasant or controversial posted here as we like The Stew to be a happy and informative site that anyone can feel comfortable visiting. :-D
Yes, in the last few years there has been a big move to social media. I often think about whether there will be a world for traditional forums in say 10 years time. Fortunately I think there will be as the traditional forum thread concept doesn't really translate to sites like Facebook or Twitter. I think this is partly whereas forums are niche, if you want to discuss gardening you want to go to a place where only gardeners hang out. Facebook has its Groups feature but it's rather cumbersome as opposed to loading up GardenStew and BAM! gardening discussion right in your face GardenStew does have a Facebook page here ( http://www.facebook.com/GardenStew ) however it's used as a presence there not a replacement. Rest assured that GardenStew will never migrate to a social media site nor will there ever be a 'log in with Facebook' integration. Yuck. I think what we have, just works. Look at http://craigslist.org , they haven't had a major redesign since inception and they don't look like changing anytime soon. That is because it also just works. No sense in fixing what isn't broken. As long as there is demand GardenStew will be bubbling for many years to come
I do go to FB. But not like lot of people-on all the time. Have gal in church likes to sit close to window.I seen why glance her way. Twittering away.
You should have seen the cleanness before we decided to start manually approving new user accounts. Nothing worse than 30 topics worth of spam cropping up in the space of 5 minutes to put a dampener on a day.
I think the weather has a lot to do with it too...way too nice in some areas to be on the computer if you garden...now our weather hasn't really had warm except for a few days popping in once in a while..we need warmer than this for me to put things in the ground....we have a threat of 29 tonight so I will try and save my butterfly bush that has been hit by some of our other cold nights... I am on facebook and I go to gardening groups but for games and just talking on facebook, No I do not like it at all. From what I have heard about twitter and all the junk mail, etc. you get, no thank you.
I have to go right along with what the posters above this have said. I like this place just fine and a "social network" site cannot replace it for me. I can of course see why SN sites are attractive and fun for some folks, but it isn't the same as here. It's like apples and oranges. I am like Carolyn--I just do not have enough time in the day for them. That, and I am not happy with the information gathering practices and the use of it that, which the basis of these networks. Bottom line: The site just keeps getting better and better, like MG says--so I shan't be leaving the Stew for a SN site. It's family here.
I agree that it's nice to come here and only hear good things and suggestions from people...no rudeness. But I had to admit that I am on fb and just found the stew there last night. But...in my defense, I use it to connect with relatives and old friends who live far away so it works for me. So glad to be back on stew though!
I like facebook because no one I personally know is on here, so it lets me catch up with what theyre doing (and the games! Im a gamer, what can I say? ) I like this site because you guys are nice and funny and know gardening so well, facebook cant compare to that
I didn't mean to imply that there is anything wrong with social sites, or the folks that use them. It just struck me that the Stew (clean, friendly, interesting, and funny) wasn't in any danger of being abandoned for a social site!
I have two sites that I check on more than once a day. Gardenstew is the first one though I don't always post when I'm on here. I, also, check on facebook. You can have 5,000 friends on facebook. Does anyone have 5,000 friends? I have 46 and most are family members who live in other states. There are a few friends here and there that we keep in contact through facebook. I don't friend a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend like some do. I know each one personally. Mostly I joined to keep in touch with family. But, I would never quit Gardenstew for any reason. I don't always agree with everyone but who does. dooley
! I don't, and won't, 'do' FaceBook and Twitter. Perhaps I am a curmudgeon. Eh, so what?! I don't watch television either. Does that make me a 'Luddite'?
FBG, no, that doesn't make you a Luddite (and bless you for knowing what a Luddite is!). It makes you good member of the Stew!
I really enjoy being on Gardenstew and check it two or three times a day. I am on facebook but like Dooley, I use it to connect with family in other states. wannabe